America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Let there be booze!
Published on May 14, 2007 By Moderateman In Philosophy

 An Eighteen year old can, Marry, have children, go to work, Raise children. look out for their welfare.

 An eighteen year old can operate heavy machinery, Drive a car, Climb tall buildings walk on a thin piece of iron to weld it together.

An eighteen year old can go to war, die for his country, carry deadly weapons in war and in peace.

Operate helicopters, repair them too.

Vote for the President, their Senator, their representative in the house, the Mayor of the city they live in, the Governor of the state they reside in.

In other words they have every right and responsibility a 21 year old, a 30 year old, a 50 year old , a 90 year old person has except for one thing.

SIMPLY THEY CANNOT BELLY up to a bar and have a beer if they want one. I find this insane, demeaning to them and downright silly to deny a returning hero from a war, the right to have a beer with his father in a bar to celebrate his safe return, all because he is 17, 18, 19 or 20 years of age!

Comments (Page 2)
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on May 14, 2007
I also feel it's stupid to not allow a legal adult to drink if they choose.

I hit it at the right time I guess. When I turned 18 the legal drinking age was 18 and it didn't raise to 21 until I was over 21.
on May 14, 2007
I don't know. Even when they do Right Arm night they still don't let underage guys drink. Not that the 18-20 year olds can't get an older Soldier or civie to buy alcohol for them.

Heh, and I tend to agree with Mason. Either you're a legal adult or you're not.

I remember test driving a car when I was like 19 and I had to have my mom go with me because I wasn't legally old enough to do it. I think there are some gambling/raffle things where you have to be 25.

on May 14, 2007
MasonMMay 14, 2007 16:57:20

also feel it's stupid to not allow a legal adult to drink if they choose.

I hit it at the right time I guess. When I turned 18 the legal drinking age was 18 and it didn't raise to 21 until I was over 21.

When I was drinking in bars at 15 I remember kids from Connecticut, Pennsylvania and New jersey coming to NYC to drink because their states were 21 to drink and New York state was 18.
on May 14, 2007
(Citizen)Texas WahineMay 14, 2007 17:10:50

I don't know. Even when they do Right Arm night they still don't let underage guys drink. Not that the 18-20 year olds can't get an older Soldier or civie to buy alcohol for them.

Heh, and I tend to agree with Mason. Either you're a legal adult or you're not.

I remember test driving a car when I was like 19 and I had to have my mom go with me because I wasn't legally old enough to do it. I think there are some gambling/raffle things where you have to be 25.

some states you can marry at 15 or 16, and drive a car too.. what's up with that?
on May 15, 2007
I agree that it is a stupid law. Stupid in that it doesn't allow an 18 year old to experience something that I believe is necessary for them to do, especially to see how they handle themselves, or possibly to see just how bad they will be afterwards. I don't support or agree with anyone drinking and driving and I realise that some 18 year olds are too stupid to even drink on their own or with their peers, that would be an atom bomb effect. However, under controlled environment, especially girls, just so that they know how to handle themselves and what not to do, it would be good for them to experience and be aware!

I realise in saying this some people won't agree with me, but believe me, I started drinking at 17, I know what I'm talking about! And yes, if I could, I would let my daughter drink at home and then afterwards, sit and chat about the ramifications of doing that. Although I've talked with her about the consequences and the different senarios, if she knows what alchohol tastes like, she will know even better what I'm talking about!
on May 15, 2007

I grew up the same time as Mason.  It was legal when I was 18, and did not turn to 21 until I was well over it.

I dont know it the law does any good, as from what  I have heard, 18 year olds find ways to get alcohol. legal or not.

on May 15, 2007
I had my Ps (legally allowed to drive but blood alcohol limit of 0.02) at 16 and could drink legally at 18.

If you're old enough to vote then you're old enough to drink and you're more than old enough to drive.
on May 15, 2007
I agree. I think there should be one age that you become a legally responsible adult and that should be all there is to it. I personally don't think people automatically get smarter or more responsible as they get older. Some do and some are as immature and irresponsible at 60 as others were at 16.
on May 15, 2007
(Citizen)foreverserenityMay 15, 2007 01:08:52

I realise that some 18 year olds are too stupid to even drink on their own or with their peers, that would be an atom bomb effect.

The same could be said about any age group, I got clean and sober because I could not handle drugs and alcohol.. any time I did either I did them to the EXTREME AND HAD CONSEQUENCES.
on May 15, 2007
(Citizen)Dr GuyMay 15, 2007 08:44:16

I dont know it the law does any good, as from what I have heard, 18 year olds find ways to get alcohol. legal or not.

I am in agreement with you here, I know I never had any problem getting booze at 12, or drugs either.
on May 15, 2007
(Citizen)cactoblastaMay 15, 2007 08:51:53

If you're old enough to vote then you're old enough to drink and you're more than old enough to drive.

Not just vote, but you could also have enlisted and founght a war , got married, raised a family.. all the things I listed in the body of the article. Why not drink?
on May 15, 2007
LocamamaMay 15, 2007 09:29:09

I agree. I think there should be one age that you become a legally responsible adult and that should be all there is to it. I personally don't think people automatically get smarter or more responsible as they get older. Some do and some are as immature and irresponsible at 60 as others were at 16.

My words to foreverserenity exactly, just in different language, see amy great minds do think alike.
on May 15, 2007
see amy great minds do think alike.

on May 15, 2007
Up until around 1995 most AF bases allowed underage airman to drink beer at the clubs on base and other base activities. I drank under 21 in North Dakota and Colorado...but Colorado had 3.2 beer and everyone 18 and up could drink it. (1986)

The mid 90's (at least for the AF) became very anti-drinking...or actually anti-public support drinking..they still supported it, just didn't announce it in policy like before.

Sorry if this is a repeat. I didn't read the responses.
on May 15, 2007
LocamamaMay 15, 2007 10:21:32

Have you been getting my E-mail?
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