America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Moderateman's Articles In Business
February 14, 2005 by Moderateman
This is just a large thank you post Thank you God for my life. Thank you mom and pops for bringing me up, and giving me life. Thank you my wife for uplifting me and being my number one fan. I love you. Thank you Mr. User for creating this blog. Thank you Mrs. User for putting up with him. Thank you Tex, for inspiring me with your strength, {I wrote down not out, dedicated to you} Thank you Dharma for your kindness and slant on life. Thank you Gid, for your outlook and wisdom. Tha...
May 10, 2005 by Moderateman
While buying my wife a new car, naturally I wanted to see my credit score, 850 is the highest you can have, mine was 810. I asked why wasn't my credit score higher as I make sure all bills are payed on time, We are NEVER late paying a bill and missing a payment is unthinkable. I was told { yes this really sucks} the reason my credit score is not at the highest rate is because, I do not have enough DEBT, I also pay off bill faster than they are due. What kind of sense does this...
May 22, 2006 by Moderateman
" I am not feeling well so that's why I don't comment" Funny I see you commenting everywhere else, and read how you are in touch on the phone or the E-mails you write this and that person. " I am so busy I don't have time to breathe" Strange, every time I turn around you have posted another blog, Maybe I am not reading this right. Your comment should read"I am so busy I don't have time FOR YOU! "period>?At Least be honest with me, I can handle the truth really, I can. Have the integrity...
November 19, 2005 by Moderateman
Now that the 3rd world countries have gotten a taste of capitalism and love it BTW! They have begun DEMANDING pay more in line with there American counterparts, Greed it seems is not just an American trait as the rest of the world would believe! If they keep pressing for higher wages soon the companies that have been outsourcing will have to bring the jobs back to America. Then of course the rest of the world will blame America for giving them a taste of money to better there lives, then ...