America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
You Expect me to keep swallowing this? HA!
Published on May 22, 2006 By Moderateman In Business
" I am not feeling well so that's why I don't comment" Funny I see you commenting everywhere else, and read how you are in touch on the phone or the E-mails you write this and that person.

" I am so busy I don't have time to breathe" Strange, every time I turn around you have posted another blog, Maybe I am not reading this right. Your comment should read"I am so busy I don't have time FOR YOU! "period>?At Least be honest with me, I can handle the truth really, I can.

Have the integrity and honesty, really,
Just tell me fuck off... but stop bullshitting me, What do you think I am, STUPID?

" I really am all confused and feel withdrawn" Get real will you? Your most recent blogs seem quite coherent and your thoughts are open, not in the least withdrawn. The only "withdrawn I have seen is you have withdrawn alright, withdrawn from me.

You owe me nothing, not even an explanation, I wrote this in the hopes of not pulling you back towards me, but to simply state I see what is going on and do not appreciate being played for an IDIOT.
on May 22, 2006
Business?  Or Blogging?
on May 22, 2006
1 by Dr. Guy
Monday, May 22, 2006

Business? Or Blogging?

right here on joe.. got your call btw, was using the johnny.

Thank you.
on May 22, 2006
Remind me never to piss you off.
on May 22, 2006
3 by Texas Wahine
Monday, May 22, 2006

Remind me never to piss you off.

on May 22, 2006
Remind me never to piss you off.

I second that...geesh. *ducks as a volley of random numbers flies at him* Oh boy, best be getting back to homework.

on May 22, 2006

right here on joe.. got your call btw, was using the johnny.

Damn!  My wife does that to me!  Will call again, either tomorrow or Wednesday.  My mother needs computer help.  Pray for me!