America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Both created at the same time.
Published on November 19, 2005 By Moderateman In Religion
From the dust God made man {Adam} and woman {Lilith}

Not Adam and Eve as written in so many holy books.

Here are several links to read how we have been misled all these years into thinking Adam and Eve were the first man and woman, well at least they got it 1/2 right. Either story has Adam as the first man.

I believe that the Adam and Lilith scenario has as much credibility as the Adam and Eve scenario. How about you folks?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 19, 2005
on Nov 19, 2005
I dunno, but the sources on Lilith seem a lot weaker than the sources used by the interdenominational team of experts who put together the NIV.

I'm gonna go with the NIV team on this one.
on Nov 19, 2005
Interesting reading, Moderateman. I was only vaguely familiar with the concept of Lilith, and your sources were very informative.
on Nov 19, 2005
#2 by stutefish
Saturday, November 19, 2005

I dunno, but the sources on Lilith seem a lot weaker than the sources used by the interdenominational team of experts who put together the NIV.

I'm gonna go with the NIV team on this one.

it's good that you choose a story, I choose to believe {ha!}| I ain't tellin!
on Nov 19, 2005
3 by Texas Wahine
Saturday, November 19, 2005

Interesting reading, Moderateman. I was only vaguely familiar with the concept of Lilith, and your sources were very informative.

Thanx tex I do love giving differing point of views, especially when I do not have to give which one I believe, if I believe any of them heh heh heh.
on Nov 19, 2005
Having read some Gnostic texts, I personally hold more fiaht in the adam and lilith scenario than I do adam and eve.

they way i see it is this: the bible is like looking through the keyhole into a room. you can see things but you're getting a somewhat restricted view. if you add the gnostic gospels and writings, the nag hamadi texts, if you add those to the bible....its like the door to the room has swung open and you can see almost the whole picture.

i've got some reading recommendations if you want some, elie. or anyone else, for that matter.
on Nov 19, 2005
Everyone knows it was Frasier and Lilith. Then they got divorced and Frasier moved to Seatle. Geeez, don't you know your folklore?
on Nov 19, 2005
This goes along with what I have said in other articles and posts. The Old Testament never claims to be an exhaustive history of events. The first verse of Genesis talks about creation, then the rest of the first chapter reiterate the creation.

The first description is the creation in spirit. The earth, the animals, man & woman, all were created in spirit before given a physical form. The more detailed account is the 6 days of physical creation (where Adam was given a physical body from the dust of the earth).

Did Lillith exist? Were Cain and Abel the first kids? Or were they just the first ones Genesis mentions by name. After all, when Cain was being cursed for killing Abel he was sent to a whole other "land" and he worried about how all those people would treat him. How long were Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden? For that matter, how long was Adam hanging around alone? What was happening outside the Garden of Eden through all this.

Genesis answers none of these questions. Are they important? Do these questions (or even the existence of Lillith) further our spiritual well-being?

The bottom line is, is the God of the Bible really God, Did Jesus Christ sacrifice himself and pay the price for our sins? The answer we find in ourselves is much more important than any of the details.

Great article though, interesting links!
on Nov 19, 2005
Frasier's Lillith?  That Lillith?  The one who originated the term Bitch?
on Nov 19, 2005
6 by dharmagrl
Saturday, November 19, 2005

i've got some reading recommendations if you want some, elie. or anyone else, for that matter.

send em on D am always open to learning new things or differing points of views.

on Nov 19, 2005
8 by little_whip
Saturday, November 19, 2005

The NIV, and in fact ALL Bibles are based on the books chosen to be included in it at the council of Nicea, thousands of years ago, which was attended by men with political ambitions more than spiritual.


A lot of people are gambling their eternal souls on the incomplete information 300 old bishops decided was "acceptable" 323 years after Christ's crucifixion.

Theres more out there, stute, MUCH more.

plus you had Europian kings editing the bible to suit there fancy and other religious leaders revising the bible too.
on Nov 19, 2005
#9 by UBoB
Saturday, November 19, 2005

Everyone knows it was Frasier and Lilith. Then they got divorced and Frasier moved to Seatle. Geeez, don't you know your folklore?

long before there was Frasier and lillith there was DIANE AND FRASER! heh
on Nov 19, 2005
#12 by Dr. Guy
Saturday, November 19, 2005

Frasier's Lillith? That Lillith? The one who originated the term Bitch?

actually ther term bitch first originated with CARLA, not lillith.
on Nov 19, 2005
#10 by ParaTed2k
Saturday, November 19, 2005

The bottom line is, is the God of the Bible really God


Jesus Christ sacrifice himself and pay the price for our sins?

I will get back to you on this one ted. heh {jewboy remember?}
on Nov 19, 2005
The NIV, and in fact ALL Bibles are based on the books chosen to be included in it at the council of Nicea, thousands of years ago, which was attended by men with political ambitions more than spiritual.

which is exactly why I like to read the stuff that the council of Nicea kicked out/rejected.

Elie, I'd start with 'The Gnostic Gospels'
Link- Amazon has that used for $3.95, and I think that you'd really enjoy it. It's subtitled 'Adam, Eve and the Serpent' and 'The Origin Of Satan'. It gets into the resurrection myth a little bit too, but the parts that deal with adam and eve I think you'll really dig.

There's also 'The Other Bible'....some of the books of that talk about how the god that made the world was actually one of many gods, and how he's jealous...I'll send you an email and explain more about it. It's all VERY interesting, though.

I personally think that a lot of Christians are blinkered and don't fully understand how the bible as it is today came into being. Like I said, there's a LOT more to this god stuff than just the bible. When I started reading The Other Bible I had so many 'aha!' moments it was ridiculous. All of a sudden the things that I had read in the bible and had problems believing....well, they're more fully explained in the Other Bible. They simply made sense.
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