America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Both created at the same time.
Published on November 19, 2005 By Moderateman In Religion
From the dust God made man {Adam} and woman {Lilith}

Not Adam and Eve as written in so many holy books.

Here are several links to read how we have been misled all these years into thinking Adam and Eve were the first man and woman, well at least they got it 1/2 right. Either story has Adam as the first man.

I believe that the Adam and Lilith scenario has as much credibility as the Adam and Eve scenario. How about you folks?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 19, 2005
#17 by dharmagrl
Saturday, November 19, 2005

Elie, I'd start with 'The Gnostic Gospels'
Link- Amazon has that used for $3.95, and I think that you'd really enjoy it. It's subtitled 'Adam, Eve and the Serpent' and 'The Origin Of Satan'. It gets into the resurrection myth a little bit too, but the parts that deal with adam and eve I think you'll really dig.

There's also 'The Other Bible'....some of the books of that talk about how the god that made the world was actually one of many gods, and how he's jealous...I'll send you an email and explain more about it. It's all VERY interesting, though.

I personally think that a lot of Christians are blinkered and don't fully understand how the bible as it is today came into being. Like I said, there's a LOT more to this god stuff than just the bible. When I started reading The Other Bible I had so many 'aha!' moments it was ridiculous. All of a sudden the things that I had read in the bible and had problems believing....well, they're more fully explained in the Other Bible. They simply made sense.

very very cool and thanx for getting back to me so fast, I printed this out so I can refer to it while browsing around.

on Nov 19, 2005
Dunno, I still believe the universe was crapped out of the arse of a gigantic green space frog.
on Nov 19, 2005
I will get back to you on this one ted. heh {jewboy remember?}

LOL, yeah, I guess I did do a bit of meshing the Old & New Testaments there, didn't I. ;~D

This was pretty much my own fault, since I believe that Jesus was with God from the beginning, was the Jehovah who gave the 10 Commandments to Moses and was part of the "We" Genesis speaks of in the creation. So, you see, to me there is no separating Christianity from Genesis on to Revelations... Even though I acknowledge the BC and the AD of it all. ;~D
on Nov 19, 2005
which is exactly why I like to read the stuff that the council of Nicea kicked out/rejected.

Yes, there is a lot of interesting stuff in the "apocryphal" books, and (as one of them Mormons) I'm the last to try to claim that what made it into the Holy Bible (or even what survived all the edits) is the end all, be all of scripture.

However, I also acknowledge that there is a difference between canonized scripture and all the other writings. I think that we will be judged based on our acceptance of the scripture available to us and any changes along the way will be on the heads of those who changed scripture without the proper authority to do so.

Saved by Grace, Judged by Works!

Just my 2 cents on the matter.
on Nov 20, 2005
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