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Ramblings of A Twisted Mind
America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
How liberal are you?
Published on September 25, 2005 By
Just a simple test yet very revealing about the person taking it.
out of the 23 questions I agreed with 2.
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Comments (Page 1)
2 Pages
on Sep 25, 2005
test bump
on Sep 25, 2005
I agreed with number 6 and number 18.
think it was wrong to war with saddam in the first place.
agree law should stop smoking in public places {resteraunts in this case}
Gene Nash
on Sep 25, 2005
I only completely agreed with one. (I might give a partial to another.)
Some of the wording is coming from a Conservative slant, though, so I don't think it's a very good test.
Speech codes on college campuses are good and American values are bad.
Shouldn't those be separate?
No culture is morally superior to any other.
If Liberals believe that, then how can "American values (be) bad"?
on Sep 25, 2005
#4 by Gene Nash
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Speech codes on college campuses are good and American values are bad.
Shouldn't those be separate?
good point.
No culture is morally superior to any other.
If Liberals believe that, then how can "American values (be) bad"?
um because the left is mind dead? their mantra, america bad has destroyed any sense they had?
on Sep 25, 2005
Goose egg hee too!
on Sep 25, 2005
6 by drmiler
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Goose egg hee too!
well doc I am MODERATEMAN. heh forgive me? lol
Gene Nash
on Sep 25, 2005
um because the left is mind dead? their mantra, america bad has destroyed any sense they had?
I didn't mean to imply they don't believe it, just to point out the inconsistency in beliefs.
on Sep 25, 2005
8 by Gene Nash
Sunday, September 25, 2005
didn't mean to imply they don't believe it, just to point out the inconsistency in beliefs.
why do you think the left drives me up a wall gene, it's the inconsistancies of their platform and what is sad they do not see it.Just blindly go on their merry way.
btw fuzzy update please.
Gene Nash
on Sep 25, 2005
and what is sad they do not see it.Just blindly go on their merry way.
My standard response for certain "inconsistencies" people try to point out in the Bible is, "That's not inconsistency; it's complexity." I imagine that would also be the Liberal response to many of
inconsistencies. After all, they are the keepers of the intellectual flame. Complexity is their forte. (And sarcasm is mine....)
fuzzy update please.
Nothing new to report. Conditions are pretty much the same as my last update article. He still occasionally whimpers after going, but not as often.
I do figure he is feeling better, though, because he is getting into major mischief. He also just had his first post-hospital bout of "kitty madness," running from one end of the house to the other, fighting imaginary foes.
They've had me give him an extra week of antibiotics. (Oh the joy of force feeding a cat medicine for three weeks.) He has a follow up/check up Tuesday. They are going to give him some kind of test which requires he not use the bathroom for more than four hours beforehand.So, I'll know more then.
on Sep 25, 2005
6 by drmiler
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Goose egg hee too!
well doc I am MODERATEMAN. heh forgive me? lol
Okay....but "just" this "one" time!
on Sep 25, 2005
They've had me give him an extra week of antibiotics. (Oh the joy of force feeding a cat medicine for three weeks.) He has a follow up/check up Tuesday. They are going to give him some kind of test which requires he not use the bathroom for more than four hours beforehand.So, I'll know more then.
been there done that, had hands repaired surgerically, lmao
good news a cat on the prowl, defending his space even against imaginary foes is a happy cat.
on Sep 25, 2005
I never claimed to be libral but I do agree with 19 and 20. 19 as long as it is not the only thing taught. 20 because look at what happened in OK City.
on Sep 25, 2005
#13 by lostintexas
Sunday, September 25, 2005
never claimed to be libral but I do agree with 19 and 20. 19 as long as it is not the only thing taught. 20 because look at what happened in OK City.
I would venture to guess agreeing with 2 out of 23 does not a liberal make. heh
Awed in Space
on Sep 25, 2005
I agree with only 1. The Death Penalty.
on Sep 25, 2005
Reply By: Awed in Space(Anonymous User)Posted: Sunday, September 25, 2005I agree with only 1. The Death Penalty.
again, agreeing with one or two makes ya more likely to be conservative than liberal.
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