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Ramblings of A Twisted Mind
America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
How liberal are you?
Published on September 25, 2005 By
Just a simple test yet very revealing about the person taking it.
out of the 23 questions I agreed with 2.
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Texas Wahine
on Sep 25, 2005
Bilingual education for children of immigrants, rather than immersion in English, is good for them and for America.
Yes. I don't think it's harmful to America's "melting pot" culture for immigrants to pay homage to their home language and culture.
A married couple should not have more of a right to adopt a child than two men or two women.
Yes. I think there are far more important factors to look at when placing a child than the gender arrangement of the potential parents.
The Israelis and Palestinians are morally equivalent.
I agree.
High schools should make condoms available to students and teach them how to use them.
I think making students aware of the availability of condoms while maintaining a comprehensive, and even abstinence promoting, sex education program is a good way to discourage unsafe sex.
Racial profiling for terrorists is wrong -- a white American grandmother should as likely be searched as a Saudi young male.
It's not so much that racial profiling for terrorists is wrong as it is that we don't want to overlook any other possibilities.
There's five I agreed with. And I agree, the test was very skewed because of the wording.
Texas Wahine = Liberal
on Sep 25, 2005
Texas Wahine = Liberal
Texas Wahine= wanna be liberal..
last time!!! yer notta liberal.
ya make sense, make common sense decisions, think things throught to there logical outcome.. none of that is liberal thinking!!
now go to yer room and write 1000000 times " I tex am NOT a liberal"
on Sep 25, 2005
1. Standards for admissions to universities, fire departments, etc. should be lowered for people of color.
2. Bilingual education for children of immigrants, rather than immersion in English, is good for them and for America.
TESL or teaching English as a second language is a good transition program for those already speaking a language other then English. Think of how difficult your spainish, latin, or german classes in your american high school might be if from the first day your teacher taught only in a foreign tongue. Beyond that, bilingual education simply retards the young student's growth into a proficient English speaking citizen.
3. Murderers should never be put to death.
That is correct. Too many times our justice system has put the innocent to death - that punishment cannot be rescinded and our consequences should make room for human error.
4. During the Cold War, America should have adopted a nuclear arms freeze.
5. Colleges should not allow ROTC programs.
Private Colleges should have their choice, of course, but ROTC is a major benefit, particularly to those wishing to keep their student costs down.
6. It was wrong to wage war against Saddam Hussein in the Gulf War.
Had Donald Rumsfield not given 50 million dollars in aid to Saddam, perhaps he would not have had enough money to fund an army to invade the country he owed interest on loans to.
Bottom line, we should not have had to deal with the situation in the first place.
7. Poor parents should not be allowed to have vouchers to send their children to private schools.
Good luck getting the federal government, or even further yet, state and local governments to cough up the money for everyone's child to go to the top private school in the area. Vouchers are a great but inherently flawed concept designed to simply make it a more feasible option for parents who can already afford private institutions.
8. It is good that trial lawyers and teachers unions are the two biggest contributors to the Democratic Party.
Is it great that oil companies and big defense contractors are the largest investments made by members from the Republican party? Of course not, the parties should beholden unto the people, but the people have become apathetic, so here we are. Seriously, however, how dangerous are teachers and trial lawyers? (don't answer this question if you're a juvenile delinquent)
9. Marriage should be redefined from male-female to any two people.
Of course not.
10. A married couple should not have more of a right to adopt a child than two men or two women.
Evidence supporting one over the other needs to be provided for an accurate assessment of this scenario.
11. The Boy Scouts should not be allowed to use parks or any other public places and should be prohibited from using churches and synagogues for their meetings.
It is the choice of the caretakers of those places, presently, to allow the presence of the scouts Mr. Muckraker.
12. The present high tax rates are good.
I suppose we don't get what we pay for. High Pork Barrel spending has led to record deficets. If one doesn't care about America going further and further in to debt and the consequences that follow then let's take the current graduated tax and simply abolish it for every one.
13. Speech codes on college campuses are good and American values are bad.
Speech codes are an admonishment to 1st Amendment Freedoms but not necessarily at odds with 'American Values'.
14. The Israelis and Palestinians are morally equivalent.
Actually, yeah, I kinda' think the bullshit is equally deep on both sides and I don't care WHO started it, it needs to stop. (oh, yeah, we helped institute the state of Isreal pissing off the Palestinians after World War 2).
15. The United Nations is a moral force for good in the world, and therefore America should be subservient to it and such international institutions as a world court.
Certainly a question begging for discussion and much more worthy of something more then yes / no answers. Let's not 'O'Reilly-ize' this.
16. It is good that colleges have dropped hundreds of men's sports teams in order to meet gender-based quotas.
17. No abortions can be labeled immoral.
Morals are personal, ethics are supposedly universal. So this is a personal decision without absolutes to judge 'correct' answers by. I personally believe nearly all abortions to be a morally incorrect decision.
18. Restaurants should be prohibited by law from allowing customers to choose between a smoking and a non-smoking section.
People should make the decision through their local and state representatives to set community standards, though I personally believe the business owners themselves should be able to make the decision..
19. High schools should make condoms available to students and teach them how to use them.
It should be parents' decision if they cared enough to engage in instructing their children they will care enough to have their children opt out or engage in changing law to allow children to graduate without the 'health class' credit.
20. Racial profiling for terrorists is wrong -- a white American grandmother should as likely be searched as a Saudi young male.
21. Racism and poverty -- not a lack of fathers and a crisis of values -- are the primary causes of violent crime in the inner city.
There are many contributing factors, but racism is hardly one of them.
22. It is wrong and unconstitutional for students to be told, "God bless you" at their graduation.
How about ending the graduating ceremony with 'Praise Allah'? No? Why? How about a majority vote? No? Because it's too much trouble? Is that why most schoolboards simply avoid the situation?
23. No culture is morally superior to any other.
I guess it depends upon the qualifiers...but really, have you *seen* American culture these days?
on Sep 25, 2005
#19 by Deference
Sunday, September 25, 2005
hiiiiiiii deference, nice to see yer name around.
looks like you are the most liberal so far.
on Sep 25, 2005
Hello, Moderateman.
Most liberal around so far! That's a trolling point right there, buddy!
Just kidding, it's nice to see all 'the gang' here. I simply hope I never run in to Sir Peter...
on Sep 25, 2005
the wording is a little sketchy...
1. Bilingual education for children of immigrants, rather than immersion in English, is good for them and for America.
2. Murderers should never be put to death.
3. It was wrong to wage war against Saddam Hussein in the Gulf War.
4. Marriage should be redefined from male-female to any two people.
5. A married couple should not have more of a right to adopt a child than two men or two women.
6. The Israelis and Palestinians are morally equivalent.
7. High schools should make condoms available to students and teach them how to use them.
8. Racial profiling for terrorists is wrong -- a white American grandmother should as likely be searched as a Saudi young male.
9. Racism and poverty -- not a lack of fathers and a crisis of values -- are the primary causes of violent crime in the inner city.
10. No culture is morally superior to any other.
Even some of those I am hesitant to say yes to--but if you ignore the spin and look at what they are really going for--this is my response.
on Sep 25, 2005
Reply By: DeferencePosted: Sunday, September 25, 2005Hello, Moderateman.Most liberal around so far! That's a trolling point right there, buddy! Just kidding, it's nice to see all 'the gang' here. I simply hope I never run in to Sir Peter...
I do believe sir petah! has been exiled {thank God}
oh yeh old joeusers do not die we just blog away! lol
on Sep 25, 2005
Reply By: shadesofgreyPosted: Sunday, September 25, 2005the wording is a little sketchy...1. Bilingual education for children of immigrants, rather than immersion in English, is good for them and for America. 2. Murderers should never be put to death. 3. It was wrong to wage war against Saddam Hussein in the Gulf War. 4. Marriage should be redefined from male-female to any two people. 5. A married couple should not have more of a right to adopt a child than two men or two women. 6. The Israelis and Palestinians are morally equivalent. 7. High schools should make condoms available to students and teach them how to use them. 8. Racial profiling for terrorists is wrong -- a white American grandmother should as likely be searched as a Saudi young male. 9. Racism and poverty -- not a lack of fathers and a crisis of values -- are the primary causes of violent crime in the inner city. 10. No culture is morally superior to any other. Even some of those I am hesitant to say yes to--but if you ignore the spin and look at what they are really going for--this is my response.
thank you for playing "who's the most liberal" heh, I could not really decifer what you were saying yes or no to, remember I am a conservative/moderate and I need things spelled out slowly. use small words . lmao
on Sep 25, 2005
thank you for playing "who's the most liberal" heh, I could not really decifer what you were saying yes or no to, remember I am a conservative/moderate and I need things spelled out slowly. use small words . lmao
I was sort of saying yes to those ten. The wording is weird--for example, I don't really want "marriage" changed, but I believe in civil union--so I said yes. I answered in the spirit of the question.
on Sep 25, 2005
#25 by shadesofgrey
Sunday, September 25, 2005
was sort of saying yes to those ten. The wording is weird--for example, I don't really want "marriage" changed, but I believe in civil union--so I said yes. I answered in the spirit of the question.
there is no doubt in my mind you are a liberal shades, and I say this with the most RESPECT I can muster, I have found you to be kind, level headed and not obnoxious about your politics, you stand up for your beliefs and are not shy about firing back on us um not liberals, heh
You have earned my respect and best wishes.
on Sep 26, 2005
1. Standards for admissions to universities, fire departments, etc. should be lowered for people of color.
Disagree. While this might help some people on to programs that they otherwise wouldn't get on, it leaves other people (of color) who would deserve the position anyway under suspicion of not really deserving their position.
2. Bilingual education for children of immigrants, rather than immersion in English, is good for them and for America.
Don't know. Bilingualism in general is good, a proper command of English is better (if living in an Anglophone country), as to whether one works against the other I can't say.
3. Murderers should never be put to death.
Don't know. It works well enough in Europe, but I've heard some Americans argue for "American Exceptionalism" (America is an
violent and depraved nation that needs equally violent legal penalties) for which I have some sympathy.
4. During the Cold War, America should have adopted a nuclear arms freeze.
Somewhat academic now.
5. Colleges should not allow ROTC programs.
Disagree. I can't see the problem.
6. It was wrong to wage war against Saddam Hussein in the Gulf War.
Disagree. However, also somewhat academic now.
7. Poor parents should not be allowed to have vouchers to send their children to private schools.
Disagree. I am in favour of selective education and my degree of support increases exponentially when it is a question of giving extra life chances to the poor.
8. It is good that trial lawyers and teachers unions are the two biggest contributors to the Democratic Party.
As a non-American I don't care.
9. Marriage should be redefined from male-female to any two people.
Depends. Christian Marriage, for example, is a religious sacrament; it's up to the churches to make their own rules. However, I can see no
reason for the state to withhold the right of marriage from gay couples.
10. A married couple should not have more of a right to adopt a child than two men or two women.
Depends whether the two men or two women are married - see above.
11. The Boy Scouts should not be allowed to use parks or any other public places and should be prohibited from using churches and synagogues for their meetings.
Disagree and am puzzled by the question. Why shouldn't they use these places?
12. The present high tax rates are good.
High taxes are never good. By continental European standards, American (and British) taxes are not high.
13. Speech codes on college campuses are good and American values are bad.
A silly question - as if one had any bearing on the other. By speech code, does this mean, for example not using racial epithets? Is Mr. Prager then saying that racism is an American value? It's with this question that the silliness of the quiz's bias is most obvious.
14. The Israelis and Palestinians are morally equivalent.
Partly agree, although I don't know quite how you measure this.
15. The United Nations is a moral force for good in the world, and therefore America should be subservient to it and such international institutions as a world court.
More of Mr. Prager (and American conservatives') silliness. The UN
be a moral force for good, and American leadership (not subservience) could help make this happen.
16. It is good that colleges have dropped hundreds of men's sports teams in order to meet gender-based quotas.
I don't know enough about this to answer.
17. No abortions can be labeled immoral.
Always for me the most difficult of questions. Immoral, unethical and illegal and all quite distinct ideas. I think we choose our morals, civil society sets our ethics and lawmakers make law.
18. Restaurants should be prohibited by law from allowing customers to choose between a smoking and a non-smoking section.
Depends. The issue should be is a non-smoking space available - a real non-smoking space, not a few tables set slightly apart that tobacco smoke can still reach.
19. High schools should make condoms available to students and teach them how to use them.
If the high school students are over the age of consent then I agree.
20. Racial profiling for terrorists is wrong -- a white American grandmother should as likely be searched as a Saudi young male.
This is for me a techical operational decision, not a political 'issue', so I am happy to leave it to the security experts.
21. Racism and poverty -- not a lack of fathers and a crisis of values -- are the primary causes of violent crime in the inner city.
Clearly all of these things play a part.
22. It is wrong and unconstitutional for students to be told, "God bless you" at their graduation.
Disagree about the wrong, don't know about the unconstitutional.
23. No culture is morally superior to any other.
Partly disagree. Some ideas are better than others (freedom and democracy over tyranny) and some cultures are more at ease with this than others, but it is the idea that is superior, not the culture.
Interestingly this quiz is supposed to be about discovering of you are liberal (although the questions were framed by a conservative and the bias shows). America uses the word 'liberal' in a unique way. However going by the definition that the rest of planet Earth uses:
If you mainly
, you are probably a
or a
If you mainly
, you are probably a
If you mainly said,
'don't know', 'not sure'
you are probably a
in the real meaning of the word.
I am probably a liberal.
on Sep 26, 2005
on Sep 26, 2005
Reply By: ChakgogkaPosted: Monday, September 26, 2005
nothing wrong with being a liberal THAT thinks things through, my beef with liberals and conservatives are with the ones that BLINDLY follow the party line.
on Sep 26, 2005
Reply By: BakerStreetPosted: Monday, September 26, 2005Zilch.
not real suprized baker... there were a few joeuser friends that I kinda knew would goose egg.
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