SEE what entitlements HAVE WROUGHT
While watching the horror in New Orleans unfold I was struck by several things.
That our government DOES NOT have a handle on disasters, be it of the natural kind or man made {terrorist}
They have been slow in responding and allowed lawlessness to run amok. I am dissappointed in the response time lag.
Then watched as the poor blacks in New Orleans DEMANDED food, money, water.
No they did not ask for help. They behaved like since we are being taken care of by the government, we are entitled to help.
Give me this, give me that.
It's your job to take care of me.
This is the result of generations of people on welfare, they can no longer look out for themselves, they HAVE to be cared for by the rest of us. I for one am tired of having people, DEMAND i take care of them because they are to lazy, to stupid, strung out on drugs or spit babies out with no thought for the child's future.
These same folk DEMANDING aid instead of asking for help are nothing but a drain on society.
I watched looting, now fires in my opinion being set, just to watch things burn.
Black leaders saying if the cities white people needed things they would already be there and the reason things are taking so long is because of covert racism.
I watch the left use this tragedy as another way to launch attacks against the president, the left and black leaders should be ashamed of using this horrific event as a tool for partisan behavior.
I have never been ashamed to be an american but today I am ashamed and disgusted.