America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
60's thru now
Published on April 12, 2005 By Moderateman In Politics
April 1966 liberals spit on me, broke my spirit and condemned me to a life I did not deserve,

Liberalism and its permissive attitudes ALLOWED massive drug use and free sex for all.

I was a liberal in many ways till my eyes opened up, then I became a moderate dem, then I left the dems and became a Republican, now as more lunitics fill the ranks of the democratic party I am on my way to becomeing a conservative, just to balance out the morons that run the leftwing.

Liberal attitudes helped me get the disease that is killing me slowly. {viral load count over 5 million 800 thousand}

I saw the liberals scorn the vets of a different day, while allowing the influx of vietnamese people to swell, make sure they had a place to live, loaned them money to get started in america, while letting 10's of thousands of vietnam vets get flushed down the toilet.

Now as I sit slowly watching my liver fail, dieing by increments I wish I never heard of liberals and the dumn crap they allow.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 12, 2005
on Apr 12, 2005
I'm not sure blaming an immigrant class of people will address the spread of hepatitus. I think the condition is affecting you in ways you have not noticed.
on Apr 12, 2005

on Apr 12, 2005
Reply By: MyrranderPosted: Tuesday, April 12, 2005*spit*

you are one the ones that is still angry, from your high school monitor days #BITCH SLAP# punk
on Apr 12, 2005
Reply By: SlandererPosted: Tuesday, April 12, 2005I'm not sure blaming an immigrant class of people will address the spread of hepatitus. I think the condition is affecting you in ways you have not noticed.

I live in this body and brain < i Know what goes on, including anger.. fuck off.
on Apr 12, 2005
Reply By: drmilerPosted: Tuesday, April 12, 2005*spit*"jerk-off!

the lil bitch would have to have a penis to "jerk off" with, lil gutless maggot..
on Apr 12, 2005
Aren't the republicans the ones demanding personal responsibility when it comes to sex,(different article on JU) yet you feel free to blame your bad decisions on a political party?
on Apr 12, 2005
Aren't the republicans the ones demanding personal responsibility when it comes to sex,(different article on JU) yet you feel free to blame your bad decisions on a political party?

What bad decisions are you talking about? Have you gone crackers? You don't get hep c from sex.
on Apr 12, 2005
Reply By: Sugar High ElfPosted: Tuesday, April 12, 2005Aren't the republicans the ones demanding personal responsibility when it comes to sex,(different article on JU) yet you feel free to blame your bad decisions on a political party

no I take responsibility for ALL MY DECISIONS bad and good, it was the permissive attitude that lead me down a bad path. I willingly went there.
on Apr 12, 2005
Look at this way, you got a gift that keeps on giving.
on Apr 12, 2005
Reply By: SlandererPosted: Tuesday, April 12, 2005Look at this way, you got a gift that keeps on giving.

look at it another way.... could I offer you a nice blood transfusion? I would gladly, freely give you all the blood you need if you were ver injured.
on Apr 12, 2005
What bad decisions are you talking about? Have you gone crackers? You don't get hep c from sex

Well, I've always been crackers... but no, I was simply saying that he seemed to be blaming bad decisions on a party while belonging to a party that wants people to claim full personal responsibilities. I was only sighting another article as an example.
on Apr 12, 2005
Reply By: Sugar High ElfPosted: Tuesday, April 12, 2005What bad decisions are you talking about? Have you gone crackers? You don't get hep c from sexWell, I've always been crackers... but no, I was simply saying that he seemed to be blaming bad decisions on a party while belonging to a party that wants people to claim full personal responsibilities. I was only sighting another article as an example.

I never blamed a party I blamed liberal attitudes and permissive behavior sugar, re read article.
on Apr 13, 2005
April 1966 liberals spit on me, broke my spirit and condemned me to a life I did not deserve

don't take this the wrong way please, but despite having spent a good deal of time and having enlisted several professional researchers who were for me the pre-google equivalent of google, i've been unable to confirm an incident in which anyone spit on a returning vietnam veteran. i'm thinking that if someone had even attempted to spit on you, it woulda been a long, long while before they were able to do much more than drool on themselves.

i'd be very interested in knowing if you meant that figuratively.

let me also say i'm terribly sorry you're having to deal with hep c--and i sincerely hope things go as well as possible for you. i'm also hopeful there will soon be an effective treatment (which isn't as unlikely as it might seem--while it took about 50 years to develop a vaccine/treatment protocols for hep b, they started at point 0 and hadnt anything close to today's technology or understanding of virii).

what you characterize as the liberal attitudes and permissive behavior of the 60s & 70s was born of the repressive conformity of several earlier generations, just as surely as when air is compressed it becomes heated...should it then be subsequently relased into a space where it can expand, ya get refrigeration.

we're all products of our time and as i'm sure you'll agree, even in the most temperate times, it's a wonder anyone lives to the age of 20 considering none of us has any sense of our own mortality or respect for consequences.
on Apr 13, 2005
You don't get hep c from sex.

you clearly need to do a little more research.
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