April 1966 liberals spit on me, broke my spirit and condemned me to a life I did not deserve,
Liberalism and its permissive attitudes ALLOWED massive drug use and free sex for all.
I was a liberal in many ways till my eyes opened up, then I became a moderate dem, then I left the dems and became a Republican, now as more lunitics fill the ranks of the democratic party I am on my way to becomeing a conservative, just to balance out the morons that run the leftwing.
Liberal attitudes helped me get the disease that is killing me slowly. {viral load count over 5 million 800 thousand}
I saw the liberals scorn the vets of a different day, while allowing the influx of vietnamese people to swell, make sure they had a place to live, loaned them money to get started in america, while letting 10's of thousands of vietnam vets get flushed down the toilet.
Now as I sit slowly watching my liver fail, dieing by increments I wish I never heard of liberals and the dumn crap they allow.