America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
60's thru now
Published on April 12, 2005 By Moderateman In Politics
April 1966 liberals spit on me, broke my spirit and condemned me to a life I did not deserve,

Liberalism and its permissive attitudes ALLOWED massive drug use and free sex for all.

I was a liberal in many ways till my eyes opened up, then I became a moderate dem, then I left the dems and became a Republican, now as more lunitics fill the ranks of the democratic party I am on my way to becomeing a conservative, just to balance out the morons that run the leftwing.

Liberal attitudes helped me get the disease that is killing me slowly. {viral load count over 5 million 800 thousand}

I saw the liberals scorn the vets of a different day, while allowing the influx of vietnamese people to swell, make sure they had a place to live, loaned them money to get started in america, while letting 10's of thousands of vietnam vets get flushed down the toilet.

Now as I sit slowly watching my liver fail, dieing by increments I wish I never heard of liberals and the dumn crap they allow.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 13, 2005
You don't get hep c from sex.

you clearly need to do a little more research.

Although it *can* be gotten from sexual contact that is not the major or usual way of contracting the illness.

Hepatitus C

Description: The hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a type of hepatitis that is mostly transmitted intravenously, through a blood transfusion, sharing needles while using illegal drugs, or an accidental "needle-stick" in a health care setting. Hepatitis C often leads to chronic liver disease.

IV Drug abuse
Transfusion related
Transmission, nosocomial
Transmission, sexual
Transmission, vertical
on Apr 13, 2005
No, it's not fair to blame the victim, but it also isn't fair to blame an ideology. Did liberals hold you down and stick dirty needles in you? I know I'm missing details here but it seems difficult to come up with a scenario that could allow a mindset to be at fault here.
on Apr 13, 2005

don't take this the wrong way please, but despite having spent a good deal of time and having enlisted several professional researchers who were for me the pre-google equivalent of google, i've been unable to confirm an incident in which anyone spit on a returning vietnam veteran.

Talk to my Sister.  She was one of the spitters.  Or talk to me.  I worked at Camp Pendleton, Las Pulgas area.  Any Jar head can tell you about that back in 68-70.

I dont need google to find it.  I saw and lived it.  But then I did not se the holocaust, so maybe that is made up as well.

on Apr 13, 2005

Reply By: MyrranderPosted: Tuesday, April 12, 2005

I see where our loony loopy luddite liberal has issued his most profound statement to date.  At least something other than stupidity came out of his foul mouth.

on Apr 13, 2005
(Case in point, our revered liberal teacher here on JU advocating inhalant abuse.)

I guess that is why the wisest thing to come out of his mouth was just spit.
on Apr 13, 2005
Reply By: kingbeePosted: Wednesday, April 13, 2005April 1966 liberals spit on me, broke my spirit and condemned me to a life I did not deservedon't take this the wrong way please, but despite having spent a good deal of time and having enlisted several professional researchers who were for me the pre-google equivalent of google, i've been unable to confirm an incident in which anyone spit on a returning vietnam veteran. i'm thinking that if someone had even attempted to spit on you, it woulda been a long, long while before they were able to do much more than drool on themselves. i'd be very interested in knowing if you meant that figuratively.

thank you kingbee, and figuratively it was.
on Apr 13, 2005
Reply By: little_whipPosted: Wednesday, April 13, 2005I've had HepC for over 20 years, and have never infected a partner. The chance is miniscule, provided that no blood to blood exchange of fluids occurs. Long term studies have been done on monogamous partners engaged in regular, unprotected sex, where one is infected and the other isnt, and it's exceedingly rare for the healthy partner to catch it, even after 10 years. It has happened, though, so I've always informed my partners and let them make their choice.MM, from your article I can only guess that you may have caught this disease via IV drug use? If you weren't engaged in that, and since sexual transmission is so rare, you could have gotten it from dental work with improperly cleaned instruments, tattooing, transfusion, or other direct contact with contaminated blood.I've been through the same chemo you had, (only my shots were 3x week, they didn't have the time released interferon yet) and while I haven't had a viral load count done lately, my regular liver panel has been coming back normal for 4 years now. As you know, I've also developed R/A, and while research is scant, there are some studies that now point to a connection between the use of interferon and subsequent affliction with R/A.Seems you can't win for losing sometimes, eh buddy?Have heart, MM..vent that anger when it wells up inside, and to hell with these fuckers on JU that turn their noses up at your rage, pretending to be so "above all that." They aren't living with a fatal disease, yet they seem to like to play amateur psychologists by telling you how you should feel.To the rest of you, particularly the liberals amongst us, why blame the victim? You'd be horrified to hear folks attack a gay person for having caught AIDS due to their own bad choices in life, yet feel perfectly justified in doing this to MM.In closing, it aint over till it's over, MM.....any chance for a transplant?

the odds of catching hep c from sex is about 1 in 50000 not a real chance at all, but it does happen, the docs WILL NOT transplant a healthy liver in an inferted body {unless you david crosby or micky mantle} and yes I was needle user until 1970, I prolly got it then or tatooes later.
on Apr 13, 2005
Reply By: ZoombaPosted: Wednesday, April 13, 2005No, it's not fair to blame the victim, but it also isn't fair to blame an ideology. Did liberals hold you down and stick dirty needles in you? I know I'm missing details here but it seems difficult to come up with a scenario that could allow a mindset to be at fault here.

sighhhhhh I blame the aTTITUDE OF THE TIME ZOOMBA. drug use was rampant, so was unprotected sex, this came after the 1950's and early 60's when both {drug use and sex} were considered an anthema. ok? really I accept responsibility for all my actions, my choice ok?
on Apr 13, 2005
Reply By: little_whipPosted: Wednesday, April 13, 2005I know I'm missing details here but it seems difficult to come up with a scenario that could allow a mindset to be at fault here.I agree that his anger is a bit misguided, because the atmosphere of free love (read: reckless promiscuity) and "turn on, tune in, and drop out" (read: let's fry our brains by any means possible) seduced the youth of this nation regardless of their political persuasion.Hell, I was getting loaded every chance I got, and I was apolitical back then, couldnt have told you the difference between a Democrat or a Republican, and couldn't have cared less, either.I think the generalized permissiveness of the Democratic Party is what MM is railing about here, a permissiveness that encouraged that atmosphere and still does today. (Case in point, our revered liberal teacher here on JU advocating inhalant abuse.)

on Apr 13, 2005
apoint I would like to make.... we were warned about possible confrontations with civilians upon return, we were "protected" so not to cause a scene that could get ugly fast, after all just a few days before we were in the killing fields, and the military was very worried about civilian casualities from real pissed off vets that would not have taken being spit on lightly.
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