America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Some well deserved gratitude
Published on April 9, 2005 By Moderateman In Politics
Thank you President bush for:

Having one of the lowest unemployment rates of any sitting president.

For freeing millions of oppressed people in Afghanistan and Iraq.

For helping the Jews and Palestinians to finally start to work out a viable peace plan.

For being the first country to come to the aid of the tsunami victims.

For being true to your vision against all odds.

For being man enough to be the first president to attend a Pope’s funeral.

For wanting to do something about a broken social security system.

For being true to those that work for you, and not throw them to the wolves at the first sign of opposition.

Thank you for your incredible strength as the leader of the free world.

Thank you for being willing to reach out to the opposite party in the spirit of a stronger America.

Thank you for all the sleepless nights you spend worrying about our troops overseas.

Bless your for having the courage to wear your love of God on your sleeve.

Most of all thank you for defeating the traitorous Hanoi John Kerry in the last election so he is not in the position of betraying our great country again.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 10, 2005

and some people still maintain that this isn't a right wing site...hahahhahahahahhhahaaahhhahaha

Yea, in a far left winger's mind, ANY articles that are right wing constitutes a right wing site.  But hey Myrrander, feel free to leave this right wing site any time you'd like. I would welcome it.

on Apr 10, 2005

I love it when you Bushies have not coherent response.
on Apr 10, 2005
Reply By: DraginolPosted: Sunday, April 10, 2005and some people still maintain that this isn't a right wing site...hahahhahahahahhhahaaahhhahahaYea, in a far left winger's mind, ANY articles that are right wing constitutes a right wing site. But hey Myrrander, feel free to leave this right wing site any time you'd like. I would welcome it.

I know your the boss here brad, but if myrr left I would be sad, he is angry but does have a good heart way down inside.
on Apr 10, 2005
Reply By: COL GenePosted: Sunday, April 10, 2005moderatemanI love it when you Bushies have not coherent response.

there is NO response that will suit ANY OF YOU LOSER LIBERALS concerning President Bush, which is why I do not bother responding to any of you, reiki, dabe and you cannot or will not be reasonable about My President.
on Apr 10, 2005
Your president will only make me happy when he is no longer president. You are right about one thing. Nothing whatsoever will convince me that bush is anything but a dumb fucker of a wasted excuse for a human being, along with lots of his lemonhead followers.
on Apr 10, 2005
Reply By: little_whipPosted: Sunday, April 10, 2005The rate ignores millions of Americans who either have lost their jobs and given up on finding new ones or who want to join the workforce but are too discouraged to try because the job situation remains so bleak. If these workers were include, the unemployment rate would be 7.5 percent."This should read: "This rate ignores millions of Americans who have not worked or even looked for work--those poor 'discouraged' sods-- for decades, (even entire generations), having chosen instead to be perpetual leeches on government programs, life long criminals, (did they inlude the incarcerated in those figures? haha) or continually apply for jobs they know damn well they aren't qualified for and have no hope of getting, or are working under the table and paying no taxes. (Are they including unemployed, 'undocumented' workers in those figures too? It wouldn't suprise me.)

There ya go whip pointing out the obvious to the oblivious. It just is not going to get through to THEM.
on Apr 10, 2005
I'm sure it would make drag happy if this is, in fact, 100% rightie site, and myrrander, COL, reiki, me, etc. just leave. Then he and the rest of you blindly jingoistic followers could just revel in your multitudes of misinformation and lies and bullshit. Dream on......
on Apr 10, 2005

Since I am not a liberal, your reply, as usual, is non responsive and without merit!
on Apr 10, 2005
WOW MM, all them points!! And all you did was say "Thank You!".

You really brought on the knee-jerk from the mindless doing it though!! ;~D
on Apr 10, 2005
You talk about points as if they really mean anything. In fact, they're meaningless. Except to the point whores.
on Apr 10, 2005
Reply By: dabePosted: Sunday, April 10, 2005Your president will only make me happy when he is no longer president. You are right about one thing. Nothing whatsoever will convince me that bush is anything but a dumb fucker of a wasted excuse for a human being, along with lots of his lemonhead followers.

well good to see you can reply without "ad hominim" attacks filled with "vitrolic" "hyperbole" and thank you for prooving what I already knew.
on Apr 10, 2005
Reply By: dabePosted: Sunday, April 10, 2005I'm sure it would make drag happy if this is, in fact, 100% rightie site, and myrrander, COL, reiki, me, etc. just leave. Then he and the rest of you blindly jingoistic followers could just revel in your multitudes of misinformation and lies and bullshit. Dream on......

I am pleased at the diversity here in joeuser.... I would be heart broken to see the most vocal lefties silenced.
on Apr 10, 2005
Reply By: COL GenePosted: Sunday, April 10, 2005moderatemanSince I am not a liberal, your reply, as usual, is non responsive and without merit!

you are not??/ well then your disguise is perfect them.
on Apr 10, 2005
Reply By: dabePosted: Sunday, April 10, 2005You talk about points as if they really mean anything. In fact, they're meaningless. Except to the point whores.

real meaning of you comment...

"MY site is not well received and I just am green with envy at how popular moderateman's sight is"
on Apr 10, 2005
Reply By: ParaTed2kPosted: Sunday, April 10, 2005WOW MM, all them points!! And all you did was say "Thank You!".You really brought on the knee-jerk from the mindless doing it though!! ;~D

isn't that amazing how my gratitude for my President can bring out the loons? makes me wonder exactly how miserable the crazies here are living in there own skin.
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