America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Some well deserved gratitude
Published on April 9, 2005 By Moderateman In Politics
Thank you President bush for:

Having one of the lowest unemployment rates of any sitting president.

For freeing millions of oppressed people in Afghanistan and Iraq.

For helping the Jews and Palestinians to finally start to work out a viable peace plan.

For being the first country to come to the aid of the tsunami victims.

For being true to your vision against all odds.

For being man enough to be the first president to attend a Pope’s funeral.

For wanting to do something about a broken social security system.

For being true to those that work for you, and not throw them to the wolves at the first sign of opposition.

Thank you for your incredible strength as the leader of the free world.

Thank you for being willing to reach out to the opposite party in the spirit of a stronger America.

Thank you for all the sleepless nights you spend worrying about our troops overseas.

Bless your for having the courage to wear your love of God on your sleeve.

Most of all thank you for defeating the traitorous Hanoi John Kerry in the last election so he is not in the position of betraying our great country again.

Comments (Page 9)
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on Apr 14, 2005
No there winning seats because cheating is the new way of life in elections thats why you all are winning seats!

Can you prove your allegations?
on Apr 14, 2005
why wont he testify? is this actually the true ? 9/11 is actually his fought for lowering terror funding;

You need to start reading/watching the news. Just an FYI, BOTH President Bush AND vp Cheney have testified.
on Apr 14, 2005
Reply By: democrat4lifePosted: Thursday, April 14, 2005No there winning seats because cheating is the new way of life in elections thats why you all are winning seats!

yep we cheat and win.. now what?
on Apr 14, 2005
Reply By: Lucas BaileyPosted: Tuesday, April 12, 2005Bush supporters wanted to have their taxes cut ---I'm a bush supporter and my taxes are not being cut...Thanks Bush for doing not all you can to save Terry Shiavo's life--Everything that could be done was done by the parents, what was bush supposed to do, use military[i.e. natl. guard] to take over the [hospice?] ,yeah, like that would fly with the majority of the american people...Thank you Bush for going against democracy and detaining humans with no chance for legal counsel.--If they are not U.S. Citizens, and there is indisputable proof that they have done something that is illegal......Thank you Bush for making a joke of free press by creating good news by paying people to promote fake good news. ---Do you listen to CBS, ABC, NBC,etc...They make nice little liberal biased, bush bashing, anti-war...fake good news.... now why do you just bash him for something that isn't are full of BS!--Bush Support ?--Lmao ? <--What does this mean?

lmao doc laughing my ass off
on Apr 14, 2005
Reply By: democrat4lifePosted: Thursday, April 14, 2005KERRY HELP REPUBILICIANS STOP CHEATING!NO PAPER BALLOTS

you are aSKING A traitor, a loser and a massachewshits senator to help? HA!
on Apr 14, 2005
Reply By: drmilerPosted: Thursday, April 14, 2005why wont he testify? is this actually the true ? 9/11 is actually his fought for lowering terror funding;You need to start reading/watching the news. Just an FYI, BOTH President Bush AND vp Cheney have testified.

thye missed that they were bizy watching count chocula teaching to count, von too tree four! four seats gained in the senate.
on Apr 15, 2005
moderat man speel right first then speak please! Well my point is they testified but you will vote for someone who got innocent citizens killed because he was on vacation bull shit!!
on Apr 15, 2005
moderat man speel right first then speak please! Well my point is they testified but you will vote for someone who got innocent citizens killed because he was on vacation bull shit!!
on Apr 15, 2005
I am a poor speller, so what? No I voted for the candidate that WAS NOT AN ADMITTED WAR CRIMINAL.
on Apr 15, 2005
First off let me say that I didn't read any of the comments...many people may have already said what I'm going to say and said it much better, but here goes.

I realize that this is likely a response to Dabe's Bush article, and I don't blame you for wanting to show the other side of the coin.

Bush has done some good things. He has some good qualities. Some of this is reflected in your article. And he was voted for a second term, so he is my president, and because of that, I want to see him make good decisions. I want reasons to praise him. But that doesn't mean that I will turn a blind eye to horrible decisions on his part. It scares me that some people (and I don't mean you, Moderateman) believe that because he's the president we must support everything he says and does even when it goes against everything we beleive in.

For freeing millions of oppressed people in Afghanistan and Iraq.

We have done some amazing (and some awful) things in Iraq and Afghanistan, but I think it's quite a stretch to say these people are now free. Iraqis are prisoners in their own homes due to the violence and chaos, not to mention the destruction (that we are fixing) to the infrastructure of the country.

For being man enough to be the first president to attend a Pope’s funeral.

I'm not sure how this makes Bush a great man. No disrespect to the Pope, but when Bush can't attend the funerals of the Soldiers he sent to their deaths, for whatever reason he gives (too busy, too many funerals to attend, makes him look bad and forces Americans to see the deaths as real people with families and loved ones instead of numbers on a news crawler, whatever), his attending a photo op funeral doesn't impress me much.

Thank you for all the sleepless nights you spend worrying about our troops overseas.

I won't claim to know what goes through Bush's mind, but I will say that his downplaying of causualties and his penchant for "Bring it on" speech makes me highly doubt that he spends sleepless nights worrying about the troops.

Before the 25thID Soldiers deployed, Bush made a campaign visit to Oahu. Did he give a rallying speech to the Soldiers he was about to send to Iraq and Afghanistan (nearly 30 of which never came home, with many, many others coming back physically or mentally broken)? Nope. He did a photo op with cute little kiddos at Hickam AFB (whose parents did not leave to fight the wars). He never even passed by Wheeler Air Field or Schofield Barracks. Call me petty, but I hold that against him. It spoke volumes to me.

I personally don't feel that he takes the lives and deaths of our Soldiers all that seriously.

Interesting post, nonetheless.
on Apr 15, 2005
Bush has done some good things. He has some good qualities. Some of this is reflected in your article. And he was voted for a second term, so he is my president, and because of that, I want to see him make good decisions. I want reasons to praise him. But that doesn't mean that I will turn a blind eye to horrible decisions on his part. It scares me that some people (and I don't mean you, Moderateman) believe that because he's the president we must support everything he says and does even when it goes against everything we beleive in.

--I'm sick and tired of people who think that if you've seen one republican youve seen them all...

We have done some amazing (and some awful) things in Iraq and Afghanistan, but I think it's quite a stretch to say these people are now free. Iraqis are prisoners in their own homes due to the violence and chaos, not to mention the destruction (that we are fixing) to the infrastructure of the country.

---Yes, we have done things that are good and bad, they are free, they can now choose whether they want thing A, or B. or what ever else, before hand they had no choice...

won't claim to know what goes through Bush's mind, but I will say that his downplaying of causualties and his penchant for "Bring it on" speech makes me highly doubt that he spends sleepless nights worrying about the troops.

Before the 25thID Soldiers deployed, Bush made a campaign visit to Oahu. Did he give a rallying speech to the Soldiers he was about to send to Iraq and Afghanistan (nearly 30 of which never came home, with many, many others coming back physically or mentally broken)? Nope. He did a photo op with cute little kiddos at Hickam AFB (whose parents did not leave to fight the wars). He never even passed by Wheeler Air Field or Schofield Barracks. Call me petty, but I hold that against him. It spoke volumes to me.

I personally don't feel that he takes the lives and deaths of our Soldiers all that seriously.

Interesting post, nonetheless.

---Show no fear, a big rule in combat, or any adrenaline using action, [not saying being pres. is adrenaline pumping]

---thought wheeler was mainland? or am i misunderstanding what you said...? I think they do affect him, but he won't show...maybe...
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