America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Common theme
Published on December 22, 2004 By Moderateman In Politics
First lets start with the spate of highjacking of airliners in the 70s and 80s, who did this?> Fundamentel muslims terrorist, henceforth shall be called FMT.

The attack on the olympics in 1978, who did this? FMT.

The attack on the united states embassy in kenya 1998. Who did this? fmt

The attack on the united states embassy in tanzinia 1998. Who did this? fmt

Pan-am flight 103 bombed over lockerbie. Who did this? fmt

The bombing of the u.s.s. cole in yemen 2000. Who did this? fmt

the first attack on the world trade center. 1993. who did this? fmt

The sneak attack on the world trade center 2001 killing close to 3000. Who did this? fmt

The attacks on russian airliners and schools 2004. Who did this? fmt

What does fmt have in common?

they are all between the ages of 17 and 50 mostly male.

So what sense does it make to make my 5ft 2 BLUE EYES redhaired wife strip down for a search in order to fly?

She flies about 8 times a year for buisness.

Does.nt it make sense to have all middle eastern males put thru the grinder before allowing them to fly?

No says the ALCU..whats idiots.

This is just one of the political correctness issues I have with the nutjobs here in america.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Dec 22, 2004
Reply By: messybuuPosted: Wednesday, December 22, 2004If there was anything 'half-way' logical about it then that would have been fine. But not only is it not logical but there is an major facts that people here have to ignore to come to these conclusions (stated above).If there's a significant number of non-Muslim terrorists who have hijacked planes, then I'd love to see a list, and I'll definitely have to rethink my views, but until then, it appears that most hijackers are Muslims, and although you might want to search people in an airport who don't fit such a profile, I'd rather search the people most likely to fit that profile. If searching them is hateful, then is it hateful to search a non-Muslim woman in her fifties?

my point exactly!!!
on Dec 22, 2004

Reply #38 By: Evan Trivett - 12/22/2004 5:23:50 PM
you guys need to stop argueing over petty detailes and know that if racial profiling helps to stop terrorism then its good. Until a better way is submitted and aproved then it will do. Yes, some airports need reform in that area but so many other ways are put into action to stop terrorism. My dad just spent a week training to carry a gun on the airplanes as a captain for America Airlines.

Good! It's about time the FAA got off their collective butts. Evan tell your dad "good luck and be careful". Also one word of caution to him, "always be *sure* of your intended target".
on Dec 22, 2004
Terrorists don't just hihack planes you realize and this post isn't just about hijackers. Also although I don't sit in front of a pile of stats I am positive there have been non-Muslims that have hijacked planes before. If you NEED an instance then you really are as narrow-minded as I thought you were. How many muslims have hijacked planes in the US in the last 50 years. Three or Four? out of about a billion muslims? Your odds are really really slim.

No, but isn't this about airport security? Shouldn't we focus on terrorists that do hijack planes?
Also, aren't you the one who made the claim that non-Muslims have hijacked planes (and in such a significant number that it'd disprove the pattern of FMTs hijacking planes)? If you make a claim, you're the one obliged to back it up.

I am sorry but I find the tone of this post quite malicious.

How is it malicious? Do you believe your tone was respectful and mature? Do you honestly think people will take you seriously when you're throwing tantrums and insults rather than maturely discussing the topic? If you want to ignore my advice, then do so. You're the one who'll be disregarded as a kook.

So people here don't hate Muslims but just feel like they are inheritely out to kill them. Thanks for the clarification. Personally I find people of this mentality hard headed so I had no intention of debating with people who generalize so broadly and think in such a narrow frame-work.

Also, since searching Muslims equates to thinking they are inherently out to kill us, does that mean that searching a non-Muslim woman in her fifties equates to thinking she is inherently out to kill us?

So, you're not here to have a reasonable discussion? You're only here to troll? With such behavior, do you honestly think people will take you seriously anymore?
on Dec 22, 2004
Reply By: messybuuPosted: Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Also, since searching Muslims equates to thinking they are inherently out to kill us, does that mean that searching a non-Muslim woman in her fifties equates to thinking she is inherently out to kill us?So, you're not here to have a reasonable discussion? You're only here to troll? With such behavior, do you honestly think people will take you seriously anymore?

thank you messybuu for putting the cap on this I did not flame back because some people are just not willing to discuss things it "my way is right" "your way is wrong" period and if that does not work then stir the water fling some mud and try to confuse the issue as much as possable. I am sure that my wife has evil intentions at the airport and plans useing her cellphone to detonate the explosives stuffed in her bra. bwahahahahahahahaha I am willing to BET if a Bunch of white cristians or jews blew up a few arabian airliners they would have no problem slamming down on the whites,
on Dec 22, 2004

Go find a KKK party to spread this despicable hate propaganda!

way to add consturctively to a discussion. Or not. Have some trollings:)

on Dec 23, 2004
I get pissed off to no end, right through the ceiling, when I see guys who look like me, i.e., who fit the profile, skirt on through, while others, such as little blue-haired old ladies- are stopped and searched. The U.S. Constitution and its bill of rights were not designed to be a suicide pact. To get on airliner when a person who obviously fits the determined profile has not been thoroughly checked and cleared is to play Russian roulette with all the lives bordering that plane.
on Dec 23, 2004

Also, aren't you the one who made the claim that non-Muslims have hijacked planes (and in such a significant number that it'd disprove the pattern of FMTs hijacking planes)?

skyjacking (the most accurate designation for hijacking commercial planes as opposed to a land vehicle) first became a popular sport in the early 60s when a number of flights were forcibly rerouted to cuba.  during the early to mid-60s almost all commercial airliners hijackings were committed by white americans, black americans or hispanic americans--many of whom were nuts or fugitives.  some cubans (and other residents of soviet bloc countries) also took over and rerouted flights to the us.  i cant recall when skyjacking became a specified federal crime but i do know cuba initially granted asylum to those who flew to cuba and the us granted asylum to soviet bloc hijackers.  there have also been chinese skyjackers. 

since 1969 or 1970,  most planes that have been highjacked with any kind of agenda (as opposed to solo nut cases) have been hijacked by palestinians, arabs, pakistanis, lebanese, kashmiris, etc.

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