America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Here today, Here tomorrow, here forever!
Published on January 18, 2009 By Moderateman In Politics

One of my article was about how SCOTUS has no right {constitutionally} to decide what laws are constitutional and what is not, because it would make the Judicial Branch of our government a despotic branch {which they have already become}.

We now have a an Incoming president, that has praised the LIBERAL wing of SCOTUS, and criticized the Conservatives. Obama says "that he would appoint justices with the empathy to understand what it is like to be poor, or African American or Gay or disabled or old" he also said that the constitution "is a living document" {which I agree with. {give me justices that go by the constitution!}

If President Obama appoints someone who is old, or poor {they will not be poor long on a 200,000 a year salary} or disabled, or Gay {they would have lots of money for donations, it would be a first. However , few Presidential decisions have the lasting impacts of a SCOTUS Appointment. They serve for life {the constitution says "during good behavior}

I have often wondered what is the difference between freedom and liberty. Liberty Preceded Democracy by almost 500 years in England with the creation of the Magna Carta in 1512 which merely restated ancient Teutonic Laws Liberties, like the freedom not to be taxed, except according to law. It was after the revolution of 1688 that Democracy {majority rule} began to come into its own {England} however only around 2% of the people could vote because the other 98% could not read and did not own property.

President John Adams our second President said "democracy never lasts long. it soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself" "there was never a democracy yet that did not commit suicide".

James Madison said in the federalist papers, There is nothing to check the inducement to sacrifice the weaker party {in A Democracy} "thank goodness we have a Republic"

Republics are designed to to protect liberty by placing restraints on the power of majorities. James Madison, often called the father of the constitution devised several checks to keep the majority from becoming a tyrannical Majority. they are:

1. Limiting powers to those enumerated in the constitution. 2. A bill of rights protected from majority rule. 3. separated powers between the federal government. 4. Separated powers between State and federal governments. 5. Two legislative branches {the Senate and the house} 6. Executive Veto and 7. Impeachment power

Comments (Page 4)
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on Jan 28, 2009

lula posts:


Your understanding and judgment of both the Spanish Inquisition and the CC is incorrect.

It would do well for you to understand that the CC has never classified Judaism as a heresy or believing Jews as heretics. So, persons of Jewish parentage, who were Jews in the religious sense of the term, were not ever once subjected to the Inquisition.

The Inquisition in the CC passed judgment upon the actions of Catholics, that is, persons who through Baptism became subject to her principles and doctrines in faith and morals, whether they were born of Catholic, Jewish, Mohammedan, Pagan or athiest parents, NOT JEWS. Jews who professed Judaism were not subject to the inquisitional tribunals.

The Inquisition's task was to cleanse the Chruch of unorthodoxy and not merely to heretics, but also bigamists, adulterers, blasphemers, and other violators of the principles of the Church to which they, as baptized men and women, were obligated to be true.

History will confirm the conditions in the Iberian Peninsula during the centuries leading before the Inquisition was instituted that led up to the deportation of the Jews. The Mohammaden bearers of the Crescent against the Cross invaded Spain in 711... this invasion was made with the aid of the Jews who invited the Mohammadens to cross the 9 mile strip of water from Morocco to Gibraltar in order to take possession of the Catholic kingdom of Spain. The Moors joined the invasion. The Jewish encyclopedia records, "It remains a fact that the Jews, either directly or through their coreligionists in Africa, encouraged the Mohammadens to conquer Spain and that they greeted them as deliverers. ....After the battle of Jarex, the cities of COrdova, Malaga, granada, Seville, and Toledo were placed in the charge of Jewish inhabitants, who had been armed by the Arabs."

This quote is found in Vol. II, page 485.

Lula posts: 37

The Spanish Inquisition was instituted to remove those baptized Jews and Moslems who pretended to be Catholics, while they secretly adhered to the practices of Judaism and Mohammedanism.

A Jewish historian, Dr. Salo Wittmayer Baron, "A Social and Religious History of the Jews" wrote:

"It appears to be a fact as well as a theory that Jews who never ceased professing Judaism were, on the whole, left undisturbed".

I don't deny the abuses of the Inquisition. Check history....They were committed, with a few exceptions, by the civil power, and they were condemned by Popes Leo X, Paul III, Paul IV, and Sixtus IV who reigned during that period of history.

You are wrong to put the Catholic Church together with Communist China, Russia and Nazi Germany.

Dr. Baron's quote is found in Vol. 21, pages 58-60.

Check out the 15th century political conditions in the Americana and Britannica'll see their historians look at the Spanish Inquisition as more political than religious.

History shows that Catholic Spain was in continual warfare for 800 years against the Mohammadens. Spain was in a fight for nationhood from 711, when the fanatical Arabs, with Jews in their ranks, invaded Spain until the capture of Granada in 1491.  The 800 year conflict ended with the exile of an estimated 165,000 Jews (JE Vol. 11, page 501). This was deemed necessary for maintainence of SPanish unity....for it's no secret that the Moors and the Jews who professed to be Catholics and loyal Spaniards, while inwardly they despised both Catholicism and Spain.

Spain's victory meant the end of the inroads of Mohammedism into Christianity which in turn freed up funds, men and supplies and gave Christopher Columbus (another Catholic) Spain's permission and financing to sail the ocean blue in 1492.

Do you know that this method of dealing with people thought to be detrimental to a nation's well being is a part of Jewish history as well?  History tells us of the Jewish High Priest John Hyreanus subduing the Edomites, and giving them the choice of either becoming Jews, through circumcision, or being deported. Check out the Jewish Encyclopedia Vol 6.




on Jan 28, 2009


Geeze this article must be boring as hell 30 views and not one comment.

I don't like the { }. Makes it difficult to read.


{sorry about that}

on Jan 28, 2009

Spain's victory meant the end of the inroads of Mohammedism into Christianity which in turn freed up funds, men and supplies and gave Christopher Columbus (another Catholic) Spain's permission and financing to sail the ocean blue in 1492.

And it if hadn't been for Alexander, the Phoenicians under Iranian rule would have likely reached America much earlier, around 2000 years ago and 1500 years before Columbus.

The Greeks and Romans really set the world back a bit.


Do you know that this method of dealing with people thought to be detrimental to a nation's well being is a part of Jewish history as well?  History tells us of the Jewish High Priest John Hyreanus subduing the Edomites, and giving them the choice of either becoming Jews, through circumcision, or being deported. Check out the Jewish Encyclopedia Vol 6.

Yes, but Israel didn't torture those Edomites that were suspected of following their old religion.


on Jan 28, 2009

Lula, am I to presume that what you are calling the Jewish Encyclopedia you are refering to the Encyclopedia Judaica?

The Jewish Encyclopedia I know of is only 12 Volumes (16 in Russian) whose online version is found on the links I provided.

on Jan 28, 2009

Lula, am I to presume that what you are calling the Jewish Encyclopedia you are refering to the Encyclopedia Judaica?

The Jewish Encyclopedia I know of is only 12 Volumes (16 in Russian) whose online version is found on the links I provided.

Yes, in post 46, I quoted from The Jewish Encyclopedia volume 11, page 485 and 501. 

And it if hadn't been for Alexander, the Phoenicians under Iranian rule would have likely reached America much earlier, around 2000 years ago and 1500 years before Columbus.

The Greeks and Romans really set the world back a bit.

What was...was.

Again, even Jewish history recounts that the traiterous actions of the Morranos were a gross injustice. Through false conversion, these Marranos who took Christianity on their lips (false oath..."Kol Nidre") but kept Judaism in their heart, took advantage of the Chruch in an attempt to infiltrate Spanish government. The Spanish Inquisition was instituted at the request of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella who caught on to the heretical conduct which was both a sin, a violation of God's law, and considered a crime, which is an act against the state and considered worthy of punishment. 



on Jan 28, 2009

Lula, am I to presume that what you are calling the Jewish Encyclopedia you are refering to the Encyclopedia Judaica?

The Jewish Encyclopedia I know of is only 12 Volumes (16 in Russian) whose online version is found on the links I provided.

Yes, in post 46, I quoted from The Jewish Encyclopedia volume 11, page 485 and 501. 

And it if hadn't been for Alexander, the Phoenicians under Iranian rule would have likely reached America much earlier, around 2000 years ago and 1500 years before Columbus.

The Greeks and Romans really set the world back a bit.

What was...was.

Again, even Jewish history recounts that the traiterous actions of the Morranos were a gross injustice. Through false conversion, these Marranos who took Christianity on their lips (false oath..."Kol Nidre") but kept Judaism in their heart, took advantage of the Chruch in an attempt to infiltrate Spanish government. The Spanish Inquisition was instituted at the request of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella who caught on to the heretical conduct which was both a sin, a violation of God's law, and considered a crime, which is an act against the state and considered worthy of punishment. 


on Jan 28, 2009

(false oath..."Kol Nidre")

"Kol nidre" (כל נדרי) means "all vows".


on Jan 28, 2009

volume 11, page 485

so is it Vol 11 or Vol II? 

also your second reference was Vol 21.


Now I'm confused.

on Jan 28, 2009

"Kol nidre" (כל נדרי) means "all vows".


It's a name of a prayer on Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement).



on Jan 28, 2009

Lula posts:

Do you know that this method of dealing with people thought to be detrimental to a nation's well being is a part of Jewish history as well? History tells us of the Jewish High Priest John Hyreanus subduing the Edomites, and giving them the choice of either becoming Jews, through circumcision, or being deported. Check out the Jewish Encyclopedia Vol 6.

Leauki posts:

Yes, but Israel didn't torture those Edomites that were suspected of following their old religion.

Torture? Might some consider being forced to be circumcised as "torture"?

Anyhow, Jewry has a history of forced conversions on its soul and yet, who condemns or judges against that guilt? The difference between attempts at forced conversions by persons who were Catholic in name rather than in spirit, and the forced coversons imposed by the Jews is that the Popes condemned the action, whereas it was the Jewish pope, High Priest Johanan Hyrancus, Prince of the Hasmoneans, who led the infliction of this gross injustice. This was in 130BC when the Jewish Chruch was the one and the only Chruch of God, as the Catholic Chruch has been since Old Testament Judaism ceased to exist.   






on Jan 28, 2009

Might some consider being forced to be circumcised as "torture"?

It's not torture, Lula.


on Jan 28, 2009

so is it Vol 11 or Vol II?

also your second reference was Vol 21.

Now I'm confused.

I'm sorry for the's volume 11 (eleven).....

The second reference is from a "A Social and Religious History of the Jews" by Dr. Salo Wittmayer Baron.

"It appears to be a fact as well as a theory that Jews who never ceased professing Judaism were, on the whole, left undisturbed"  found in Vol. 21, pages 58-60.

on Jan 28, 2009

I'm sorry for the's volume 11 (eleven).....

No worries.  I'm still not able to find it (online) via the info you gave.  Can you give me the article title in the Jewish Encyclopedia?


on Jan 28, 2009

I'm sorry for the's volume 11 (eleven).....

No worries. I'm still not able to find it (online) via the info you gave. Can you give me the article title in the Jewish Encyclopedia?


No, I don't have that. My notes on this subject come from an 83 year old retired librarian friend. It never occurred to me to get the article title.




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