America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Simple, But the truth of things
Published on November 16, 2008 By Moderateman In Religion

I subscribe to NO RELIGION in particular, even though I Identify with being a JEW because simply enough I was born one.

I find all Religion an anthema, For one very easy reason, they all subscribe to the following " OUR WAY IS THE ONLY WAY TO G-D'S HOUSE"! As soon as I hear this one statement from any religion they lose me completely. My personal belief is there are many paths to G-D's house after death and for any ONE religion to lay claim to know G-D's mind in this matter is hypocrisy to the nth degree.

No human can possibly know G-D's mind or how he feels about what it takes to get to his house. We must remember the bibles,  both old and new were written by man not the hand of G-D, far as I can tell nothing of this earth was written by G-d him or herself, so this leaves out all this religious wars in HIS name as a reason, truthfully religious wars are made because of men trying to impose their interpretation of what other men wrote on other men and women. there can be no war in G-D's name because no one can understand what G-D wants in the first place. I hear many people say their way is the only way to G-D's house; what a crock! How dare anyone think they can exclude billions of people from a loving G-D's home because they are not of the same "religion" yet I see and hear this constantly! all I have to say is world? get a clue; no one religion has locks on how to get to G-D's house after death. not a single one!

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on Dec 01, 2008

Belief in a trinity is already a violation of the first two commandments. The images are a violation of the third. Assigning a "son" to G-d is a violation of the fourth.

How so?  You have G-D the Father (HaShem), you have the Spirit (Ruach Elohim aka Ruach ha Kodesh) from the Torah, the 'son' is the prophesied Messiah that Christians believe already came and the same (IMO) as the Messiahs that will come again for the olam haba.  This messiah is mentioned in the Tanakh as the 'right arm' of G-D the father (HaShem). 

These are just different facets of the same G-D.

Changing the day of rest from Saturday to Sunday is a violation of the fifth.


Rephrasing the sixth commandments as "kill" instead of "murder" is a violation of the principle that G-d's law doesn't change.

Misunderstood out of ignorance and translation. 


on Dec 01, 2008

How so?  You have G-D the Father (HaShem), you have the Spirit (Ruach Elohim aka Ruach ha Kodesh) from the Torah, the 'son' is the prophesied Messiah that Christians believe already came and the same (IMO) as the Messiahs that will come again for the olam haba.  This messiah is mentioned in the Tanakh as the 'right arm' of G-D the father (HaShem).

I am sure you know that haShem simply means "the name". It is true that Judaism refers to G-d as a father, but it always refers to Him as "aveynu" ("our father"). A "son" isn't mentioned in the Tanakh (and neither is a virgin birth).

The Messiah is indeed prophecied but it is also prophecied that he will rebuild the Temple and bring the Jews back into their homeland as well as other details. The person who came closest yet and whom the Tanakh refers to as a messiah is Cyrus the Great, King of Iran. Jesus didn't do any of these things.

The Tanakh does not claim that the Messiah will be a divine figure. Instead it claims that he will be a man of this world.

These are just different facets of the same G-D.

Different facets are fine, but having a physical person who is G-d or a facet of G-d is idolatry. I have no problems with a "holy spirit". But a god walking on two legs is a graven image no matter how you put it. And it doesn't help that pictures of statues of him can be found all over the world.

If you had told a Levite (Jewish priest) 2500 years ago that today there are pictures of G-d (on a cross) in places of worship all over the world, do you think he would agree that this is what was prophecied and how it should be done?


on Dec 01, 2008


God made Satan, and since God is omnipotent, Satan must serve some purpose that God finds necessary, pleasing, or just entertaining.

Ah ah, let's not attribute something to God that He did not do, namely make or create Satan. God did not create the devil, but a pure angelic spirit, Lucifer.

God created all of the angels good by nature, but they became evil and bad through their own fault.  


on Dec 01, 2008

Ah ah, let's not attribute something to God that He did not do, namely make or create Satan. God did not create the devil, but a pure angelic spirit, Lucifer.

God created all of the angels good by nature, but they became evil and bad through their own fault. 

If G-d created angels with the ability to choose evil (and He did not), the fact that beings with supernatural powers can be evil is G-d's creation.

I am convinced G-d gave the power to choose only to humanity. He loves us. The angels are just His messengers.

The Hebrew word for "angel" is "malaak", which is the object noun of a root Lamed Aleph Kaf. The word form describes the object of the verb "to send". The "malaak" is not an agent (i.e. someone who acts) but an object (i.e. someone to whom things are done, in this case someone who is sent). I am convinced that angels, if they had free will, would be described by a word that is an agent, not an object.


on Dec 01, 2008

Wow! MM, you've done it again....another G_R_E_A_T topic and discussion! Way to go! I'm getting in late and have only read the first page....I am NOT Religious, I just Love G-DG-D wants to hear you thoughts on this article!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaAlmighty God already knows my thoughts, but since you all may not, I'm religiously religous in loving God. That's how I am knowing, loving and serving Him in this fallen world so I can be with Him in the next.   

Thank you, but I have already made my position pretty clear in several articles before this. G-Ds way is not religions way.

on Dec 01, 2008

Far as I can tell the whole Lucifer thing came about due to jealousy, when G-D granted Humans the ability for his forgiveness just by asking for it, Humans became the only creature able to have this boon, Some angels did not like this  and became outraged and Lucifer led the rebellion and was cast out.

on Dec 01, 2008

Ah ah, let's not attribute something to God that He did not do, namely make or create Satan. God did not create the devil, but a pure angelic spirit, Lucifer.
God created all of the angels good by nature, but they became evil and bad through their own fault.


This is a serious contradiction in my opinion. If God created a pure angelic spirit, where did the choice to enact evil come from?  Moreover, if they did choose to do evil, it points then to a clear design flaw on the part of God the creator.


The potential to do evil, I am sure God saw in advance, is as necessary to understanding and doing good as is night to understanding day. 


Be well.


Of course God created evil.  God created everything. 

on Dec 01, 2008

I am sure you know that haShem simply means "the name".

Yes, used as the replacement for the tetragramaton (Adonai is another).


on Dec 01, 2008

A "son" isn't mentioned in the Tanakh

Daniel 3:25 references the 4th person in the furnace as Bar-Eloheem?

on Dec 01, 2008

In regards to 'having other Gods before me', since there's only ONE God, that's pretty much impossible unless you worship 'earthly' or material things. Money comes to mind.

Exactly.  Anything that we put in place of God that takes us away from him is an idol or a god with a small g.  Money would fit.  Power would fit.  Celebrity status would fit.  Drugs, alcohol, sports, any material possessions, etc. etc. 

It doesn't matter how many tags are placed upon you, you're still only ONE. I feel the same way about God, and I explore and embrace as many facets of God as I've been permitted to experience.

I have no problem with this LW.  Where I disagreed is when you said all the gods are one God.  That's not the same as you said above.  Two different statements.  Obviously God knew that other things would take his place in our lives that would be in effect a "god" to us. That's why he warned us against other gods and why Joshua said to choose between other gods or serve the living and ONLY God.   We would turn to these false gods to placate, comfort and give us peace instead of Him who is willing to do all these things if we would just be willing.  Jesus wept over Jerusalem before he died expressing this same thought. 

Daniel 3:25 references the 4th person in the furnace as Bar-Eloheem?

what do you think of Joshua 5:13?  Who was Joshua speaking to? 




on Dec 01, 2008

Thank you, but I have already made my position pretty clear in several articles before this. G-Ds way is not religions way.

Exactly.  There is no other way but God's way.  So we either get in his boat or sink. 


on Dec 01, 2008

Daniel 3:25 references the 4th person in the furnace as Bar-Eloheem?

Daniel 3:25 is in Aramaic, not Hebrew. The word "Elohim" doesn't appear in it. Instead the words used are

l'bar elohin

(Note the -in plural ending.)

A Lamed prefixed usually means "to" or "for" in Hebrew. I don't know what it means in Aramaic. "Bar" is the Aramaic word for "son" (the Hebrew word is "ben").

"Elohin" is Aramaic for "gods".

I don't know what "son of gods" means. The Aramaic for "G-d" is "eloha". You can find the word in 3:26 in

di eloha alia

(literally "of god most high")

Hebrew doesn't form Genitives with prepositions. "Eloha alia" is the Aramaic equivalent of the name "Elohim".

Note that Hebrew "god" is "eloah" and the plural is "elohim". Aramaic "god" is "eloha" (which noun case I do not know) and the plural is "elohin". In the Tora "Elohim" as a name is used to mean G-d (and it is used with verbs in the singular). This is not the case here.

(I didn't know this before, only just looked at the text and saw that it looked Aramaic. I cannot easily translate text in classical Aramaic.)



on Dec 01, 2008

what do you think of Joshua 5:13?  Who was Joshua speaking to? 

I don't know. The text is pretty straight forward except we are simply not told who the captain is.

You may interpret it in whichever way you like. Fact is it simply doesn't give us any information to build on.

I believe the rabbis said it was an angel.


on Dec 01, 2008

Daniel 3:25 is in Aramaic, not Hebrew. The word "Elohim" doesn't appear in it. Instead the words used are

l'bar elohin

This is true, I quickly overlooked the final nun.

on Dec 01, 2008

"Bar" is the Aramaic word for "son" (the Hebrew word is "ben").

Hmmm, I guess I didn't realize that Bar Mitzvah was a compilation of Aramaic and Hebrew words?

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