America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Simple, But the truth of things
Published on November 16, 2008 By Moderateman In Religion

I subscribe to NO RELIGION in particular, even though I Identify with being a JEW because simply enough I was born one.

I find all Religion an anthema, For one very easy reason, they all subscribe to the following " OUR WAY IS THE ONLY WAY TO G-D'S HOUSE"! As soon as I hear this one statement from any religion they lose me completely. My personal belief is there are many paths to G-D's house after death and for any ONE religion to lay claim to know G-D's mind in this matter is hypocrisy to the nth degree.

No human can possibly know G-D's mind or how he feels about what it takes to get to his house. We must remember the bibles,  both old and new were written by man not the hand of G-D, far as I can tell nothing of this earth was written by G-d him or herself, so this leaves out all this religious wars in HIS name as a reason, truthfully religious wars are made because of men trying to impose their interpretation of what other men wrote on other men and women. there can be no war in G-D's name because no one can understand what G-D wants in the first place. I hear many people say their way is the only way to G-D's house; what a crock! How dare anyone think they can exclude billions of people from a loving G-D's home because they are not of the same "religion" yet I see and hear this constantly! all I have to say is world? get a clue; no one religion has locks on how to get to G-D's house after death. not a single one!

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on Nov 27, 2008

So how is one true and the other not?

I have no problem admitting that G-d might have sent other prophets to other peoples (like Zoroaster to the Iranians). I don't even have a problem not distuingishing between truth told by a self-declared prophet with no contact whatsoever with G-d and the word of G-d.

If G-d created this world, then everything true said in it is G-d's own words, created by Him and unchanged by humanity's free will; just like characters in a book an author writes speak only what the author wants them to speak.

Zoroaster, for all I know, told the truth. So the question of whether he was a prophet or not is academic.


on Nov 27, 2008

Also, how do you reconcile what you said with say....."Have no 'other God's' before me" which we all know is the very first commandment?That's weird, KFC. I took it for granted that LW is neither Christian nor Jew nor Muslim and therefore doesn't believe in those commandments.Are you praying towards Mecca five times a day just because somebody else's religion says you should? 

Plus the Idolatry part of Catholicism always gets me, so many Catholics bowing before a graven image of Christ on the cross and statues of Mary. This is a big no no according to the ten commandments.

on Nov 27, 2008

Plus the Idolatry part of Catholicism always gets me, so many Catholics bowing before a graven image of Christ on the cross and statues of Mary. This is a big no no according to the ten commandments.

Belief in a trinity is already a violation of the first two commandments. The images are a violation of the third. Assigning a "son" to G-d is a violation of the fourth.

Changing the day of rest from Saturday to Sunday is a violation of the fifth.

Rephrasing the sixth commandments as "kill" instead of "murder" is a violation of the principle that G-d's law doesn't change.

None of this matters as the commandments are neither ten nor for everyone.

Little-Whip's interpretation appears to be that the commandments are a Jewish thing, possibly very intelligent and good laws, but she is not Jewish and hence they have no particular legal meaning for her. I see it the same way.



on Nov 27, 2008

The main message, as George Carlin once pointed out, is the same no matter which God you worship..."Don't be a dick."

I think that sums it up quite nicely.

on Nov 27, 2008

The main message, as George Carlin once pointed out, is the same no matter which God you worship..."Don't be a dick."

Maybe in monotheism, in my religon you sometimes have to be a dick.

on Nov 29, 2008

That's weird, KFC. I took it for granted that LW is neither Christian nor Jew nor Muslim and therefore doesn't believe in those commandments.

I know.  I only asked because LW does know and use the scriptures and she does have a Christian background so she would know what I'm referring to.  

Are you praying towards Mecca five times a day just because somebody else's religion says you should?

no and that's the point.  How can I follow Allah and Jesus at the same time when there are contradictions between the two?  How can both be leading us to the same God?  The same with all the religions.  They are NOT leading us in the same direction.  Can't be.  Doesn't make any sense to say they are.  While many have some of the same moral code there are many huge differences as well. 

That's why I brought up Joshua.  They were fighting over two different gods of their time and Joshua said, "go ahead choose which god you will serve, as for me and my house we will serve the Lord." 

So yes, we are all free to worship whatever god we wish.  But they are NOT all leading us in the same direction.  There is ONLY one God. 


on Nov 29, 2008

So yes, we are all free to worship whatever god we wish.  But they are NOT all leading us in the same direction.  There is ONLY one God. 

Muhammed's followers worship the god of Abraham, just like Jews and Christians do.

The disagreement is about what this god said and wants (and how many sons he has), not about which god is true.


on Dec 01, 2008

God made Satan, and since God is omnipotent, Satan must serve some purpose that God finds necessary, pleasing, or just entertaining.  All things serve the perfect will of God.  If they didn't, they wouldn't exist in the first place, right?

In Judaism the angel the Christians think of as Satan is an accuser working at G-d's court. He is the district attorney if you will.

The Kurds before Islam believed (and some still do), that the angel in question rebelled against G-d but repented.

Zoroastrianism believes that Evil exists to allow Good to exist (although I am not sure about the specifics).

I agree with you that he must have a purpose. He doesn't have free will, so it is difficult for me to believe that he could be evil as such.


on Dec 01, 2008

Wow! MM, you've done it again....another G_R_E_A_T topic and discussion! Way to go! I'm getting in late and have only read the first page....

I am NOT Religious, I just Love G-D

G-D wants to hear you thoughts on this article!! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Almighty God already knows my thoughts, but since you all may not, I'm religiously religous in loving God. That's how I am knowing, loving and serving Him in this fallen world so I can be with Him in the next.   

on Dec 01, 2008

I'm religiously religous in loving God.

Why do you need instructions on how to love G-d?


on Dec 01, 2008


How can I follow Allah and Jesus at the same time when there are contradictions between the two? How can both be leading us to the same God? The same with all the religions. They are NOT leading us in the same direction. Can't be. Doesn't make any sense to say they are. While many have some of the same moral code there are many huge differences as well.
That's why I brought up Joshua. They were fighting over two different gods of their time and Joshua said, "go ahead choose which god you will serve, as for me and my house we will serve the Lord."
So yes, we are all free to worship whatever god we wish. But they are NOT all leading us in the same direction. There is ONLY one God.

EXACTLY! Thanks for saying it like it use mincing words...this notion that all religions are equal (riligious indifferentism) is bunk! Pure Bunk!


Muhammed's followers worship the god of Abraham, just like Jews and Christians do.
The disagreement is about what this god said and wants (and how many sons he has), not about which god is true.

This is true but only part of it.


Muslims believe in the one God they call Allah according to the Qur'anic teachings of Islam, a religious attitude developed by Mohammed in 610. Jehovah Witnesses worship the one God they call Jehovah according to the teachings of teachings and doctrines of Chrales Taze russell, Judge Rutherford, etc. The Chruch of Latter day Saints, (Mormons) worship the one God according to the tenets of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. Unitarians worship the one God according to the teachings of Theophilus Lindley in 1774.

The Muslims, the Jehovah Witnesses, the Mormons, and the Unitarians are all a revived from of Arianism at least by their denial of the Dovrtine of the Trinity and the Deity of Christ, although they acknowledge His existence.

The bigger questions that religious faith and right reason beckons us to ask are: Is the ONe True God pleased with the worship of Muslims, of JW, of MOrmons and of Unitarians or do they worship in vain? Worship of God has everything to do with the person's or Person doing the teaching.





on Dec 01, 2008

The bigger questions that religious faith and right reason beckons us to ask are: Is the ONe True God pleased with the worship of Muslims, of JW, of Mormons and of Unitarians or do they worship in vain? Worship of God has everything to do with the person's or Person doing the teaching.

Why would G-d care how people worship? If He insisted on certain patterns, He could force us. But He doesn't. I can see that He would give us free will and allow us to do evil but hope for us to choose good. But giving us free will so we can worship Him wrong and then demand that we worship Him right seems a bit like a human game rather than divine wisdom.



And I think He cares about how we act and not how we pray. We do not pray for Him. We pray for us.

That's why the Pakistani Cricket team loses after praying instead of training.


on Dec 01, 2008

leauki posts: #55

In Judaism the angel the Christians think of as Satan is an accuser working at G-d's court. He is the district attorney if you will.
.......I agree with you that he must have a purpose. He doesn't have free will, so it is difficult for me to believe that he could be evil as such.

Christianity teaches that Satan (and the other fallen angels) exist, that he is the tempter but has no power over us if we choose to avoid or resist the temptation.

We also believe Satan has free's just that he's not a full liberty to use it yet......Christ's Death and Resurrection brought victory over death, and Satan was bound and will be bound until some point when he will be loosened and that will only be for a short time.

on Dec 01, 2008

Wow it looks like this article has made a rebound, simply put loving G-D I feel is the only way to go with no particular religion involved, therefore I have bones to pick with all religion that says "their way is the only way to G-Ds house"

on Dec 01, 2008

Christianity teaches that Satan (and the other fallen angels) exist, that he is the tempter but has no power over us if we choose to avoid or resist the temptation.

If his power depends on us, how does he have an existence outside us?


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