America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~

On May 21st, 2008, Senator Dianne Feinstein {D.CA.}, A Multi Millionaire, who was recently accused of benefiting from her position in the Senate, Reprimanded the top executives of the five largest oil companies : "you rack up record profits... quarter after quarter":also Senator Pat Leahy {D. VT} also a multi Millionaire upbraided the same executives by saying: "The people we {the Senate} represent are hurting and the companies you represent are profiting"

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz {D. FL} Charged: " I can't say that there is any evidence that you {the oil companies} are manipulating prices, but you probably are!": Senator Dick Durbin {D, IL} Demanded: "Is there anybody here that has any concerns about what you {the oil companies} are doing to this country with the prices you are charging and the profits you are taking"?

These politicians, collectively, were sanctimoniously lecturing oil company executives, who would not know an oil derrick if one bit them on the ass. Not one of these politicians have the slightest clue on how to produce energy!

Another politician Nambla Nancy Pelosi {D.CA} the speaker of the House Declared "Democrats have a common sense plan to bring down sky rocketing gas prices while she was campaigning for re-election, since then gas prices have risen more than 70%.

Some say that oil companies pay almost no taxes. Is this true? HA! here are a couple facts. According to the  Bureau of Economic Analysis and the U.S. Dept. of Energy: over the past  25 years the oil companies have paid more than 2.2 TRILLION in taxes to federal and state governments, not including local property taxes, State sales taxes and severance taxes, A total of THREE TIMES their profit during the same period.

On the average 15% of the cost of gas at the pump goes to taxes, while 4% goes to profit to the oil companies.

So while we are all hurting from "pain at the pump"  and the Democrats are trying to shift the blame to the oil companies remember it's the government that reaps the biggest reward from our pain!

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jul 11, 2008
Consumer-First Energy Act Of 2008

How? Please demonstrate how it is addressing it. not bandaiding it, addressing it. Do a bullet point if you like.

More than one as well.
addressed everything in your reply -- you addressed nothing in mine.

Wrong. But then I will wait to see you address any of the issues. You have the chance. Dont blow it.
on Jul 11, 2008
There's another post calling Nancy Pelosi a liar and a queen bee -- is that evidence of "typical party politics thinking"?

You really should stop trying to defend the indefensible. You just look silly and foolish doing it.

If you want to defend Pelosi, you dont have to be a democrat. A moron maybe, but not a democrat. If you want to criticize her, you dont have to be a republican. Teh amendment dictating that only republicans and democrats can defend and criticize elected officials has not been ratified yet.
on Jul 12, 2008

How do you spell Democrat? H.Y.P.O.C.R.I.T.E. It doesn't really work to rhetorically ask in written form how to spell something you just spelled. If you were speaking it could sort of work, but this just looks dumb.
mcbondon Jul 04, 2008

Like I really care about your opinion of what looks dumb or not, are you an English lit professor?

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