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Ramblings of A Twisted Mind
America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
What Theologian are you?
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Published on June 9, 2007 By
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on Jun 18, 2007
KFC posts:
Let's just stick to scripture and leave MAN out of it.
Oh, c'mon KFC, that wouldn't be any fun....
nor would it be realistic either, as Scripture is all about God's plan for MAN's salvation. Faith, plus good works in charity equal hopeful assurance of man's salvation.
on Jun 18, 2007
KFC posts from #11,
Martin Luther is the hero of the Protestant Faith. He defied the RCC
Regarding your Post #54...there you go again....gotta always bring up Luther...will you quit that?
KFC, you're funny.
Of Luther, he's your hero right? Why not bring him up? besides, this entire blog of MM's concerns Martin Luther, your hero....
Don't you know that when you say things like there are no such things as 7 sacraments in Scripture, hold up the notion of "justification by faith alone" that's repeating and holding up Martin Luther, your hero ...not Scripture?
on Jun 18, 2007
Good works FOLLOW salvation.
How can good works follow salvation becasue the only sure time you know of salvation is after you've died and gone to heaven?
You are a fine one to talk about steps, A, B,C and D....
OK, KFC, I'm hankering to get over to the Church of Thyatira, so I'll cool my jets on this one agreeing we have both stated our case rather plainly.
on Jun 18, 2007
Seee this is what I mean, Baker, well educated, well read, and well instructed in
the bible, educated enough in biblical thought he can keep up with our two scolars, lula and KFC,.... I hate you baker.. LOl lol...
Lula and kfc, you bring so much thought into my life I want to thank you, I want to let you both know I read your responses and now I get to read Bakers inter-reaction with the two of you too..
Thank you all three for the Bible study, {new testament} A book I have never read, except excerpts.
KFC Kickin For Christ
on Jun 18, 2007
Oh, c'mon KFC, that wouldn't be any fun....
nor would it be realistic either, as Scripture is all about God's plan for MAN's salvation. Faith, plus good works in charity equal hopeful assurance of man's salvation.
hahahah well you've got me there Lula. But you know I mean keeping man's interpretation out of things....of course I know that the bible is all about God's relationship with man. It's his love letter to mankind.
KFC, you're funny. Of Luther, he's your hero right? Why not bring him up? besides, this entire blog of MM's concerns Martin Luther, your hero....
In some respects I think ML deserves ALOT of credit. He risked his life for what he believed in. What other motivation did he have? It was hard for him to stand up against the powerful at the Diet of Worms. It would have been so much easier for him to just let it go. He couldn't. His conscience would not allow it.
How can good works follow salvation becasue the only sure time you know of salvation is after you've died and gone to heaven?
oh no, Jesus made it quite clear that we CAN KNOW. So too didn't all the NT writers. They called it our sure calling. It's a sure thing, once we come to him, he seals us with the HS as a deposit until he returns. Scripture is clear. I know the CC doesn't teach this but the bible does.
OK, KFC, I'm hankering to get over to the Church of Thyatira, so I'll cool my jets on this one agreeing we have both stated our case rather plainly.
ok, I'll meet you over there. I also finished Sardis. I've got the church at Philly ready to go soon as well.
Thank you all three for the Bible study, {new testament} A book I have never read, except excerpts.
hahahah you're welcome, but I would suggest you read the gospel of Matthew because it was written specifically to the Jews. Many Jews who have read it are quite surprised at how Jewish it really is.
on Jun 18, 2007
Thank you all three for the Bible study, {new testament} A book I have never read, except excerpts.
MM, why don't you get yourself a good Bible and follow along? It's much better reading than Left Behind dribble.
on Jun 18, 2007
I know that the bible is all about God's relationship with man. It's his love letter to mankind.
Sure is, KFC, let's try to get MM reading it, shall we?
on Jun 18, 2007
lulapilgrimJune 18, 2007 13:09:32
MM, why don't you get yourself a good Bible and follow along? It's much better reading than Left Behind dribble.
Left behind is for my entertainment not my education. sheeesh.
I have a perfectly good bible it's called the Old Testament.
on Jun 18, 2007
lulapilgrimJune 18, 2007 13:11:15Reply
(Citizen)KFC Kickin For ChristJune 18, 2007 13:03:01
Look NOW, I loves both you gals, yer very nice ladies, BUT do NOT push the new testament or Christianity in my direction. I am JEW> PERIOD! I was Born A JEW and WILL DIE a JEW. WE ok on that?
KFC Kickin For Christ
on Jun 18, 2007
Left behind is for my entertainment not my education. sheeesh.
Well I have NO problem with the LB series MM. So read on......they get better as you go.
I have a perfectly good bible it's called the Old Testament.
I LOVE the OT. Did you know that the OT is revealed in the NT and the NT is hidden in the OLD?
BUT do NOT push the new testament or Christianity in my direction. I am JEW> PERIOD! I was Born A JEW and WILL DIE a JEW. WE ok on that?
not a problem MM. I only mentioned Matthhew because of your comment earlier about the NT. Remember I have Jewish blood as well. If the tables were turned just a tad I would have been brought up Jewish. In fact, I probably know more Jewish history and feasts than most Jews do. I spent two years teaching the 7 Jewish feasts of Leviticus 23.
I also have friends that are Jewish Christians....you never give up your Jewish Heritage when a Jew becomes a Christian.....not that I'm saying you will....just so you know they compliment each other. Jesus was a Jew afterall as were all the first Christians in Jerusalem.
on Jun 18, 2007
I scored as Paul Tillich. Don't know him--havent read about him but if he is a realist I'm with him.
on Jun 18, 2007
(Citizen)KFC Kickin For ChristJune 18, 2007 13:27:09
Jesus was a Jew after all as were all the first Christians in Jerusalem.
you see here is where I might know a little something, first off JESUS IS A JEW, HE never named himself a Christian, nor did Christianity even exist in his time on Earth, matter of fact, None of the Disciples, ever named themselves Christian either, again in their life time Christians did not yet Exist, They all were Born Jews and Died Jews.
on Jun 18, 2007
(Citizen)adnauseamJune 18, 2007 13:27:09
I scored as Paul Tillich. Don't know him--havent read about him but if he is a realist I'm with him.
I hadda google Martin Luthor, to see what I scored as, I suggest you google Paul Tillich and find out what he is about.
on Jun 18, 2007
WE ok on that?
Yah, can't blame a girl for trying though...."A" for effort..
on Jun 18, 2007
lulapilgrimJune 18, 2007 19:41:34
WE ok on that?
Yah, can't blame a girl for trying though...."A" for effort..
yep, I understand that a Christians job is to bring others into the fold, I do not blame you for trying, matter of fact I respect it. I just ain't About to turn my back on Judaism, Old testament style.
Peace sister!
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