America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
More proof how weak and useless the U.N. is
Published on April 28, 2006 By Moderateman In International
Well folks the deadline has come and passed and Iran a true rogue nation has told the United Nations to go take a flying leap off a cliff.

The President of Iran has shown how dangerous the nation has become and how weak the United Nations is without a strong American military to back it up.

America has long been the heart and soul of the U.N. but with us bogged down and locked into the every more spiraling out of control situation in Iraq, the U.N. has no backbone nor the will to do anything but make useless threats.
Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 30, 2006

What ever happened to the old days when we were backing the good guys in Iran, Saddam was our friend and we had just taken away Palestine and made Israel out of it.
It's funny how foreign policy comes back to bite you in the ass.

YOu must be a young pup, as you have no conception of foreign policy.  If you did, you would realize that there are no friends, just a commonality of interests.  Try taking some more history as you really need it.

on Apr 30, 2006
I stand corrected..
It's amazing how "a bad commonality of interests" can come back and bite you in the ass.
on Apr 30, 2006

It's amazing how "a bad commonality of interests" can come back and bite you in the ass.

Now that is a very insightful comment!

on Apr 30, 2006

Just wondering though.... didn't we, at one time, back to Shah, (as did most of the West to be sure)?
Wasn't Saddam our friend back when he was useful? I thought we supplied them with arms to use against Iran or something. I could be mistaken.
Didn't we back the formation of Israel usng Palestinian land?, -albeit it was the Balfour Declaration in 1917, pandering to the allies in order to gain their support in WWI, that actually started it all off.

on Apr 30, 2006

Wasn't Saddam our friend back when he was useful? I thought we supplied them with arms to use against Iran or something. I could be mistaken.

No, we backed them with intel.  USSR did the weapons.

"A bad commonality of interests"  But at the time, it seemed good.  Prescience is not here yet.

on Apr 30, 2006
Indeed, we did supply intel and the Russians did supply arms but we also facilitated the sale of chemical and biological weapons to Iraq as well as knowingly allow third parties to sell cluster bombs to Iraq when there was an embargo going on.

And yes at the it made sence to those involved. I believe one former CIA analyst commented something to the effect that it was horrible mistake but, "we have got it right now". And the British at the time thought that it was good idea too. Nobody wanted Iran to win a war with Iraq because it would be too destabilizing to that part of the world

You're right, prescience does not exist. And hindsite is always 20-20. but I remember when Hamas won the election in Palestine a short while ago and Condaleeza expressed surprise at that result. It didn't a genius to predict that Palestinians, when given a chance to vote, would pick the party who fixed their roads, provided aid and whatever else, rather than the corrupt officials they currently had. No hind-site of prescience required then. Now, if the analysts couldn't see that, and that's what those people are paid to do, what else haven't they been able to predict?

on Apr 30, 2006
"Nobody wanted Iran to win a war with Iraq because it would be too destabilizing to that part of the world"
How ironic is that ?

on Apr 30, 2006
I fully support Irans aspiration to master Nuclear Technology.

The Europeans were ready to make a deal that FULLY respects Irans right to enrich uranium until we chimed in with demands.

What the Iranians are doing is smart .. for they know that IF THEY YIELD an inch now ... the U.S will make further demands,
now tommorow next year ... doesnt matter.

Thats their line in the sand!!! and they arent doing anything illegal in the NPT

my advice to their leadership ... dont yield an inch ... saddams al samoud's were taken from him before the war began.
you will need EVERYTHING you have NOW and in the FUTURE
on Apr 30, 2006
>So you'd like to see Israel a smoking glass crater?

Israel is not under threat.
It has 200-300 nuclear warheads
it also have SECOND STRIKE capability with class 5 dolphin submarines each carrying trident missiles with nuclear warheads

Israel has nothing to fear
from ANYONE mortal vis a vis war
on Apr 30, 2006

>So you'd like to see Israel a smoking glass crater?

Israel is not under threat.
It has 200-300 nuclear warheads
it also have SECOND STRIKE capability with class 5 dolphin submarines each carrying trident missiles with nuclear warheads

Israel has nothing to fear
from ANYONE mortal vis a vis war

So you honestly think that will stop someone that considers it his "duty" to die in the service of his god? You're equating them to us. "We" wouldn't...they on the other hand "would"! Israel has a LOT to fear!
on Apr 30, 2006
>So you honestly think that will stop someone that considers it his "duty" to die in the service of his god?

lets review shall we?
1) there are jews living in Iran ... some even in Irans parliament
these jews do not feel threatened and are given minority rights as are other groups. They generally SIDE with the
government in issues involving israeli/palestinian crisis

2) the iranian government' opposition to Israel is part and parcel of its concern with Palestinian issues. Resolve the
Palestinian issue and that problem goes away.
Of course it wont be resolved if land expansion continues

3) that whole nonsense about die for god ... 700000 virgins or whatever number it is ... is not the core issue here.
its nonsense
adminedajab is NOT saying anything new ... this has been the stance of Iran since the revolution. He did not say destory
Israel ... he said remove the political entity that currently exists.

Destruction of Israel (which is NOT possible no matter what you think) would involve destruction of the 1million PLUS
Arabs living there ...

Go and search out his speeches directly from Iranian papers NOT through western filters.

4) MAD is a great concept ... has worked before with those GODLESS communists and it will work with all others
Pakistan and India are actually closer now than they have ever been ... knowing FULL WELL the wrong step will lead to
their demise

THe persians are an old culture ... they are not looking to leave this world.
Having dolphin missiles with second strike capability and the support of the world should you be attacked gurantees
that Iran can do nothing.

I want Iran to have Nuclear Technology and Nuclear Weapons ... so they can all stand on equal footing.
The catch here is this:

You can have/make whatever you want provided YOUR scientists and engineers do it ... without western support
They have done it and I stand in amazement and awe
on Apr 30, 2006
13 by singrdave
Saturday, April 29, 2006

BTW, MM, you win the Battlestar Galactica Award for 'Best Use of the Word "Frack" in a Real Sentence'.)

I want to first thank the academy...... bahahahah
on Apr 30, 2006
15 by Gunhead (Anonymous user)
Sunday, April 30, 2006

we had just taken away Palestine and made Israel out of it.

we did? yikes I thought we fought and won the revolutionary war to free ourselves of ENGLAND... IDIOT CHILD.
on Apr 30, 2006
IDIOT CHILD.. cute. Is this how people with varying opinions are treated here? Not too mature.

We... the League of Nations. Whatever. Weren't we members? Maybe saying "we" had just taken away Palestine was stretching it. The "west" would have been more appropriate. The initial intent was to point out how bad foreign policy, even if it based on a "commonality of interests", will always come back to bite you in the ass.

on Apr 30, 2006
Lol, cute. Rombios doesn't, I imagine, think the President of Iran saying Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth is something to be concerned about. Just one of those election promised politicians don't ever keep, no doubt.
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