America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Notice a distinct lack of foreign flags?
Published on April 10, 2006 By Moderateman In Current Events
While watching hundreds of thousands of Latino Protests today the thing that stand out the most is the lack of other countries flags, could it be that the message got across if you want to be American, act like it?

It is just a ruse of course, probably propagated by LIBERALS.

Perfectly spelled placards in English of course, while reporters are there reporting MOST do not speak any English. HMMMM!!!

But the message remains the same, Demand that America "gives" you citizenship even if you are a lawbreaker and have snuck into the country, not paid taxes and have been a huge drain on entitlement programs.

Mexican flags were there in abundance, but the protest organizers demanded they not be shown and gave free stars and stripes to everyone. Notice all the beautiful new flags?

Close the borders! Jail the lawbreakers!
Comments (Page 1)
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on Apr 10, 2006
MM walks back and forth with his own perfectly spelled {in English of course} sign demanding that He is declared king of the United States.
on Apr 10, 2006

I was going to blog on this, but instead will piggy back here.

There is a girl here locally that was protesting this weekend.  Her sign? "Am I a criminal?" 

She has a 4.13 GPA (I could never get more than a 4.0 when I was in school - I guess there is more than just wage inflation).  14th in her class.  She is an anchor baby.  Her parents are illegals, she was born here.

And she has a 4.13gpa?  No wonder our education system is in such trouble when they produce 'scholars' that are so ignorant!

It does not matter if there is 12 million or 12, there is no point in congress killing trees until they fix the problem with the borders.  They might as well just burn a forest for all the good they will do.

Nothing is impossible, but it takes a will.  And in response to your title question (which I asked a month ago), the answer is ANSWER.  Shock. Surprise. Gasp. enlightenment.

Until we get serious about our borders, this whole debate is stupid.

on Apr 10, 2006
Reply By: Dr. GuyPosted: Monday, April 10, 2006I was going to blog on this, but instead will piggy back here.There is a girl here locally that was protesting this weekend. Her sign? "Am I a criminal?" She has a 4.13 GPA (I could never get more than a 4.0 when I was in school -

not unusual today doc, kelsey my friend micheles middle child keeps higher than 4.0 these days.
on Apr 10, 2006
Initial reports here in Phoenix are that the turnout was about 75k. Based on the accuracy of prior crowd estimates here & the paper's tendency to inflate the numbers, it was probably closer to 50k. Of course, our local paper did everything possible to facilitate a maximal turnout.
on Apr 10, 2006
If the crowd were as large as you claim I seriously doubt the puppeteering was the main cause of the turnout. Political parties can't get those kinds of numbers to their rallies, and they have the finest manipulators of human minds that money can buy.

All those (generally quite rare) people who believe strongly enough in their issue to take to the streets are on your soil. Do you really think you can force them to go back to Mexico?

Some sort of agreement is going to have to be reached with the 'new wave' of Americans. And closing the borders is not going to work. It's far too late for that.
on Apr 10, 2006
If the crowd were as large as you claim I seriously doubt the puppeteering was the main cause of the turnout.

You really do not understand lemmings, do you?
on Apr 10, 2006
You really do not understand lemmings, do you?

Unfortunately no. They're not a common animal where I live. I'm sure, however, that they are sufficiently fascinating to be worth understanding, but to be honest I couldn't be bothered.

What lemmings have to do with the sizes of protest crowds I have no idea. It's extremely rare for a protest to attract large numbers. Not many people are so idle that they can afford to take time off work or their families to go and walk around for a few hours shaking signs. If by calling them lemmings you consider other human beings mindless drones then I'm afraid I think a lot less of you as a result.

No large mass of people does something simply because they're told to do it. They might do it because they're threatened with physical force, economic deprivation or some other clear and pressing threat to their continued survival, but the words of politicians don't have that power. The marchers marched because they wanted to make their support for their cause known to those in power. The organisers tapped that dissent, they didn't create it.
on Apr 10, 2006
I think the mindless part is the SUDDEN outrage. It's against the law to come here illegally... duh. It's even a felony when you are a repeat offender. Now, suddenly, people are outraged... just before the 2006 elections wherein the Dems desperately need the Latino vote.

It's working on both sides, as many more "moderate" Republicans also seem to be courting the vote, but it seems like the masses can only be fooled by one side. The outraged overlook the fact that Dems sit there and sanction the laws that create the situation to begin with.
on Apr 10, 2006
It's working on both sides, as many more "moderate" Republicans also seem to be courting the vote, but it seems like the masses can only be fooled by one side. The outraged overlook the fact that Dems sit there and sanction the laws that create the situation to begin with.

I don't think they care really. Your voter turnout isn't very high - 50% or something, right? - so it's entirely possible that they see little real difference between the Republicans and the Democrats, or at least not enough to vote in support of one over the other. The Democrats may have succeeded in being written up in the media as the leaders of the dispossessed, but those dispossessed don't vote or aren't citizens, so I don't see it having a great deal of effect. The anti-war movement certainly didn't get out bed in time to vote in the last election, and they were supposed to be the majority.

I could be wrong though - I'm as foreign as the Mexicans, so your system is hazy-as to me. But I think the posturing of the Reps and Dems is just that - meaningless posturing that probably won't have much effect.
on Apr 10, 2006
She has a 4.13 GPA (I could never get more than a 4.0 when I was in school - I guess there is more than just wage inflation).

Doc, it's easy. Take at least one AP/Honors class. In most school systems in VA, Honors/AP courses are rated on a 5.0 scale instead of a 4.0. So, you getting F in an AP course is functionally equivelant to getting a D in a regular class.
on Apr 11, 2006
Reply By: DaiwaPosted: Monday, April 10, 2006Initial reports here in Phoenix are that the turnout was about 75k. Based on the accuracy of prior crowd estimates here & the paper's tendency to inflate the numbers, it was probably closer to 50k. Of course, our local paper did everything possible to facilitate a maximal turnout.

even at 50k that's a ton of illegals there, we missed the perfect chance to export them to their point of origin.
on Apr 11, 2006
Reply By: cactoblastaPosted: Monday, April 10, 2006If the crowd were as large as you claim I seriously doubt the puppeteering was the main cause of the turnout. Political parties can't get those kinds of numbers to their rallies, and they have the finest manipulators of human minds that money can buy.

there is no doubt that people were there with nice new american flags tellking everyone to put away the other flags and wave the one handed to them.

All those (generally quite rare) people who believe strongly enough in their issue to take to the streets are on your soil. Do you really think you can force them to go back to Mexico?

yes we can force them back. we just have to have the will.
on Apr 11, 2006
I don't know about the puppet master thing...yes, I am sure liberals are using this to their advantage. However, it's hard to believe hundreds of thousands of people marched merely because someone pulled their strings. This group is full of people with their own minds and opinions and can't all be the doing of some political machine.

As for the foreign country flag waving, many misinterpreted this as an Anti-American act when for the most part, it was really about pride for the country where they come from...that shouldn't be seen as anything "threatening"...Like you, I did notice the nice new American flags (along with other flags)...which I am sure many carried of their own will (and not because a political party told them to do so).
on Apr 11, 2006
As for forcing "them" to go back...I don't know how realistic that is going to be.
on Apr 11, 2006
I noticed on several of those nice, neat printed signs some interesting initials; AFL-CIO. ( I thought the unions were against imigration? hmmm, can't beat em, join em and organize em)

The spanish language radio and television broadcasters worked hard to make sure US Flags were EVERYWHERE, as well as white shirts "for peace".....Notice how everyone was wearing white?

String Pulling was evident for certain, but as to who or why, is yet to be seen...the union involvement certainly points to the Democrats, yet Telemundo and the like have historically been rather conservative in US politics.....
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