So while watching the news, no not just fox but all over the channels, I see pictures of Illegal Immigrants waving Mexican flags to protest making ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, well ILLEGAL>
If you are so pro Mexico waving with pride the Mexican flag while living in America, protesting American laws, why are you here?
Why are you not in MEXICO trying to make life better?
Liberal teachers are encouraging their students to get out there and protest the enforcement of American laws {sneaking into the united states}.
I guess as a first generation American { mom and dad came from turkey} and taught to respect American laws, while learning how to speak English is just too much to ask of this new generation of law breakers.,
The bureau of prisons estimate that upwards of 30% of all prisoners in America are indeed Illegal aliens.
I live in California and have watched hospital after hospital have to close their doors due to ILLEGAL Aliens receiving care and NOT PAYING, this has an effect on those of us that are LEGAL.
Somehow people that have snuck into America think they are owed something, and the liberal left supports this Idea.