America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Let me get this straight
Published on March 27, 2006 By Moderateman In US Domestic
So while watching the news, no not just fox but all over the channels, I see pictures of Illegal Immigrants waving Mexican flags to protest making ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, well ILLEGAL>

If you are so pro Mexico waving with pride the Mexican flag while living in America, protesting American laws, why are you here?

Why are you not in MEXICO trying to make life better?

Liberal teachers are encouraging their students to get out there and protest the enforcement of American laws {sneaking into the united states}.

I guess as a first generation American { mom and dad came from turkey} and taught to respect American laws, while learning how to speak English is just too much to ask of this new generation of law breakers.,

The bureau of prisons estimate that upwards of 30% of all prisoners in America are indeed Illegal aliens.

I live in California and have watched hospital after hospital have to close their doors due to ILLEGAL Aliens receiving care and NOT PAYING, this has an effect on those of us that are LEGAL.

Somehow people that have snuck into America think they are owed something, and the liberal left supports this Idea.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Mar 27, 2006
14 by Buddah Moskowitz
Monday, March 27, 2006

Thank you for making my point for me.

sheeeshhhhh budda. was a joke. lighten up. and you never did comment on my mom having to struggle learning such a strange language {english}
on Mar 27, 2006
Thank you for making my point for me.

Not liking French is racist? Je parle francais. Je suis francais! Est-ce que je suis raciste pour le parler?

And I dont like them either.
on Mar 28, 2006
I must admit being a bit offended, though, since I wouldn't be here being a successful American if it were not for someone in my family crossing over that Mexican border...

I can understand your point, still doesn't make it right. I don't mean to be cruel but the fact remains, if they came here illegaly then they are criminals. I do not have anything against helping others, specially my latino people. BTW I'm Puerto Rican, a latino culture that does not appreciate the connection they have with the US and the freedom they enjoy because of it. It shames me to hear them talk bad about the US, they don't even realize that it is because of their connection with the US that Puerto Rico enjoys the freedom they have and the decent economical lifestyle they have. They should feel lucky not to live like the people of Cuba or Dominican Republic. Like I said, I have no problem with helping anyone from any country, my only real problem is when they come here illegaly. It only makes the process harder and unfair for those who are trying to do it the legal way.

Moving away from my sentimentality, I really do hope this reform works in a way that would help these immigrants stay here legally.

As much as this hurts me to say it, I hope it doesn't. Like I said above, it's unfair for them to have a better chance of staying while already here and already enjoying the freedoms of this country while those going thru the legal process have to wait. I don't find it fair to reward criminals while giving the legal ones a hard time.

Believe it or not, most don't feel like "something is owed to them."

I can not take your word for it since there are millions of them here and I highly doubt you would know even half of them. Especially when living in a different enviroment and lifestyle for many years from that of which they have come from, I doubt you have hardly anything in common with them that you would seek them out and actually feel what they feel since you did not live what they lived and risk your life to enter this country.

They just want to work their butts off to ensure they and their families survive life...and what better place to do it than in the land of opportunity and dreams.

I can understand and I feel them. Even though I am of Puerto Rican roots, I too have to deal with the fact that I am latino and have to work hard to make a living. Still, I do it the legal way. I pay taxes, I have a licence when I drive, etc. It's heart braking, I wish we could do more. I would think that the money spent on trying to rebuild Iraq, a country so far away, across the ocean where hardly any American will set foot and so many other dangerous countries surround it, would have been better spent helping the Mexican Gov't give their people a better future so that they do not have to illegaly cross the border seeking a better life for their families. But that's not the case now, though it can still be considered. Just imagen having a country like Mexico with a thriving economy, no more people crossing illegaly, having an easier system to allow them to come over legaly, and better place to go on vacation. It would be like having another Canada at the south of us, but without the french language.

It is not my intention to put you or any latino down. My parents came to the US legaly, I was born here legaly, and the only illegal thing I have done was to drive without a licence for 1 year. I paid the price behind bars for 6 hours and swore never to let that happen again. I just want things to be done right, and giving illegal immigrants a better chace at staying than those going thru the legal process is unfair. That's all I have to say.
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