I just finished watching "the hand that rocks the cradle, I forgot how scary the movie is. Rebecca Demornay is the evil demented Au pair, She does such a remarkable job of acting in this movie, yet she never was a "A" list star. Is there anyone that you think is under appreciated, that should be a big star because of their talent? But just cannot seem to make it? "
This is a real simple poll, In your estimation what is the song that holds the most MEANING for you? The best lyrics, any song from anytime period. Mine is Blowin the in the wind, by, Bob Dylan
There are five books in the “ELRIC” saga written by Michael Moorcock. The premise is Elric a sorcerer emperor of a defunct empire, called Melnibone that once ruled the seas and the world. What interesting about this is Elric is an albino, very weak in physical strength, moderately powerful in spells and such. Here’s where it get good, he has a Sword called Stormbringer, {my old screen name} and the sword is sentient, aware. Whenever Elric uses Stormbringer to slay someone, Stormbrin...