America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Moderateman's Articles In Writing
April 19, 2006 by Moderateman
He sits in the semi-darkness, rubber tubing around his left arm, tightly wound, veins popping, scarred, tough, sore. He stares at his fix, inside a glass eyedropper, babies pacifier on top for more push, blunt 23 gauge needle at the ready, he stares again, swearing the needle licked its chops, ready to puncture an already over used vein. Slowly he pushes the dull spike through the hard as leather skin that covers his tube of life's blood. Blood rushes into the eyedropper, yes! a fast hi...
October 16, 2006 by Moderateman
 The killer did not know she was being watched by a far more dangerous predator. The killer had been stalked for several days now and had not a clue about it as she kept to herself watching, waiting for the prey to pass once again close enough to reach out and puncture it, draining all life fluids from it. The much more dangerous killer also watched and waited, patiently for the opportunity to strike, knowing in the end he will win this contest of life and death. The time was comin...
June 12, 2007 by Moderateman
  Haiku! bless you he said,  smile,ear to ear grin,  blows nose gently, goodbye    
November 7, 2006 by Moderateman
 I see the Liberal practice of pointing out spelling errors is still alive and well. Here is a handy guide to know when NOT to point out spelling errors. 1. Never point them out in an article where you also make spelling errors, it is just to easy to use spell check and find out what mistake you might have made. 2.When pointing out these errors make sure the person you are ridiculing has an actual education at least on par with your own or it just looks like you are being an asshat...