America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
A Jews Point of View.
Published on October 21, 2005 By Moderateman In Religion
It's about time for the new annual game here in America, finish off destroying Christianity, this time they will continue the assault on Christmas, this has been building for years now and will continue to build till all mention of Christ is eliminated.

There are places where children are being suspended from school for having the nerve to say grace over a a meal.

Bibles are being removed from school libraries.

Florida is putting a stop to bible studies by using a little known zoning law.

An 11 year old in Alabama was ORDERED to remove the cross she was wearing from plain view and told to hide it under her neckline or be suspended.

Americans for the separation of church and state is suing to have "in God we trust" removed from our money, and trying to stop congress from opening sessions with a prayer. They are also trying to remove Christmas as a national holiday, completely remove all chaplin's from the military..remove all religious symbols from our national cemeteries.

On face the nation, Bob Schieffer made the following statement :"we have noticed a link between religion and crime."

The Washington post describes Christians as "largely poor and easily led .

Sharon Cohen has written a article {she is an A.P. reporter} saying Christians are prone to rioting and are terrorist. She also compares christian leaders with the Ayatollahs of Iran, {this woman is nuts!}

The IRS is targeting churches aiming to take away there tax exempt status. {this is against the first amendment}

I believe that we must fight this crap going on, the same way we fight racism and anti-semitism!! . This is the IRS link.,+a.p.+reporter . This is a link to ms Cohen's articles. This is the story about the 11 year old in Alabama. This is a link to Bob Schieffer. this link takes you to separation of church and state homepage. read it and weep.

When will we the heart and soul of America stop letting these animals use the courts to get there way?

How much further will we allow the removal of Christianity from America, once it's gone can the Jewish faith be far behind?

Wow no sleep let me write all night to keep my mind occupied.

MM not a christian, but I do love GOD.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 21, 2005
13 by BlueDev
Friday, October 21, 2005

always find it interesting that those who spend the most time preaching tolerance are often the least tolerant. Yet another handful of examples of extremist, bigoted liberalism that is becoming dangerously common.

again another perfect example of "liberals are only liberal" when you blindly follow and agree with them.
on Oct 21, 2005
14 by foreverserenity
Friday, October 21, 2005

You're also correct about us being doomed to repeat ourselves because they pay no heed to history. Possibly the dark ages again....or this is just scare tactics?

I wish it was just scare tactic, but it's not, look at icons reply, they want all religion completly removed, and why do they want it removed? because they do not like it.

Nothing like having a very small percentage of americans ramming there GODLESS ways down everyones throat.
on Oct 21, 2005
15 by Içonoçlast
Friday, October 21, 2005

I think all organized religions should be eliminated

ok, why? because you do not believe?
on Oct 21, 2005
16 by Leauki
Friday, October 21, 2005

I think all organized religions should be eliminated.

And I think you should be forbidden to eliminate other people's religions or their right to assemble and organise.

In a free country it's about choice. but the left does not want us to have a choice, as always it's there way or no way.
on Oct 21, 2005
Actually, removing tax exempt status from churches should NOT be against the first amendment. Amendment 1 doesn't guarantee tax exempt status for your speech.

Frankly, as a Christian, I would prefer that churches REFUSE tax exempt status, as it seemingly violates Christ's command against serving God and Mammon. Also, where government money goes (and, oddly enough, they consider tax exemption to be "government money"), government control follows. This is why churches cannot preach politics from the pulpit, even when certain political views are CLEARLY against their own.
on Oct 21, 2005
21 by Gideon MacLeish
Friday, October 21, 2005

Actually, removing tax exempt status from churches should NOT be against the first amendment. Amendment 1 doesn't guarantee tax exempt status for your speech.

Frankly, as a Christian, I would prefer that churches REFUSE tax exempt status, as it seemingly violates Christ's command against serving God and Mammon. Also, where government money goes (and, oddly enough, they consider tax exemption to be "government money"), government control follows. This is why churches cannot preach politics from the pulpit, even when certain political views are CLEARLY against their own.

I have no problem with a simple removel of tax exempt status, BUT, it will be just the beginning of erosion, first a trickle, then a small stream, then a river washing away all religion.
on Oct 21, 2005
still awaiting your answer icon.......
on Oct 21, 2005

Actually, removing tax exempt status from churches should NOT be against the first amendment. Amendment 1 doesn't guarantee tax exempt status for your speech.

No, but it would then give the government 'control' of religion.  The IRS is a terror now.  I would not want it to start jumping in on religions.  It is a fine line.  Between control and separation.  I hope it is not crossed.

on Oct 21, 2005
Because they each think theirs is the best; the only true religion.
on Oct 21, 2005
25 by Içonoçlast
Friday, October 21, 2005

Because they each think theirs is the best; the only true religion.

but how does that effect you personally if I think only a jew is the right religion?
on Oct 21, 2005
Reply By: Dr. GuyPosted: Friday, October 21, 2005Actually, removing tax exempt status from churches should NOT be against the first amendment. Amendment 1 doesn't guarantee tax exempt status for your speech.No, but it would then give the government 'control' of religion. The IRS is a terror now. I would not want it to start jumping in on religions. It is a fine line. Between control and separation. I hope it is not crossed.

as soon as the government starts to make laws or rules about any church they have crossed over into a pairing of church and state.
on Oct 21, 2005

Because they each think theirs is the best; the only true religion.

Who is the they?  Is it me?  You?  MM?

on Oct 21, 2005
#28 by Dr. Guy
Friday, October 21, 2005

Because they each think theirs is the best; the only true religion.

Who is the they? Is it me? You? MM?

I think icon is painting with a very broad brush doc, I personally do not think my religion is the only way to GOD.

How about you doc>?
on Oct 21, 2005
think icon is painting with a very broad brush doc, I personally do not think my religion is the only way to GOD.

I definately agree with you on this too Elie. Neither is mine. Unfortunately I've gotta run and won't be able to say more on this right now. But great discussion!
on Oct 21, 2005
#30 by foreverserenity
Friday, October 21, 2005

think icon is painting with a very broad brush doc, I personally do not think my religion is the only way to GOD.

I definitely agree with you on this too Elie. Neither is mine. Unfortunately I've gotta run and won't be able to say more on this right now. But great discussion!

peace sistah! run slowly and under no circumstances run with scissors.
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