First off the concept of "enemy" is not that hard to grasp:
One entry found for enemy.
Main Entry: en·e·my
Pronunciation: 'e-n&-mE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -mies
Etymology: Middle English enemi, from Old French, from Latin inimicus, from in- 1in- + amicus friend -- more at AMIABLE
1 : one that is antagonistic to another; especially : one seeking to injure, overthrow, or confound an opponent
2 : something harmful or deadly
3 a : a military adversary b : a hostile unit or force
I would say the person in question fits the FIRST definition of enemy quite nicely.
No where does it say you have to be in the presence of the ENEMY.
No where does it say that it must be some kind of shooting war.
To think that you cannot have enemies that you never met is absurd.
I never met any TERRORIST but they too are my enemies.
Anyone wishing harm, causing you discomfort or pain is you enemy>.
As far as me being online to much, that is my decision to do so.
To claim you are not my enemy, then trash me in a public forum when a simple E-mail would have suited you better and kept it private shows me that indeed:
The friend of my enemy is my enemy.
But having to gain "points" and creating a blog about it shows me exactly who you are.