Compromise is not always a bad thing
As the Nut-jobs on the far right are bemoaning President Bushes choice of Harriet Meir's for the Supreme Court, Without any real
reason too except for the facts she has no paper trail to follow.
Nominating a conservative along the lines of Micheal Luttig would cause an all out war in congress {both houses}.
We already know the nut-jobs on the left are looking for a reason to filibuster any reason will do, but the nomination of a true conservative would put the lefts precious abortion rights at risk and there is nothing that gets the left foaming at the mouth faster than a perception that someone might overturn Roe V Wade.
Remember with the left it really does come to ABORTION.
Now the choice of Harriet Meir's has the far right in a tizzy, Including my sweet ANN {coulter} and while I usually agree with my sweet Ann, this time I do not agree.
President Bush is having a hard time in office, his vital numbers are at an all time low, He needs to get this nomination through the vetting process and onto the bench.
It all comes down to Trust and I trust President Bush to make good choices about the SCOTUS.
Harriet should fly through the grilling the Senate is sure to give her and be approved and on the bench by Thanksgiving.
This country does not need the Senate brought to another standstill and the nomination of a "Micheal Luttig" type candidate would do just that.