America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Check this love fest out.
Published on September 28, 2005 By Moderateman In Politics
Compliments of those jokers on the fair and balanced DEMONCRAP UNDERGROUND.

Get ready to laugh.

Meeting with Cindy Sheehan
Posted by Howard Dean on September 27, 2005 at 06:06 PM

I met with Cindy Sheehan and three activist supporters here in my office at the DNC (two of whom were involved in the Presidential race) on Saturday after the rally. Some of you have met her, but for those who have not, I thought I would share my impressions.

She is a delightful person. She had not a drop of holier than thou zealotry. She is unpretentious and very clear. All this I expected, given the terrible sacrifice she has made, and her willingness to speak out.

What I was surprised at was her ability to be so comfortable in her own skin. After she became a phenomenon in Crawford, the Republican spin team realized she was a real threat. Cindy Sheehan, made a tremendous personal sacrifice. A sacrifice being made by too many American families who have had loved ones killed or maimed in this war.

Cindy has credibility the Administration does not have. Even the President tried to diminish her by saying that she did not believe in fighting terrorism. His minions, of course, did much worse, trying to make out that she was a media savvy manipulator -- and even spreading false rumors that she was anti-Semitic.

Ain't his a hoot???/ Howard and cindy sittin in a tree L I E ING.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Sep 28, 2005
Even the President tried to diminish her by saying that she did not believe in fighting terrorism. His minions, of course, did much worse, trying to make out that she was a media savvy manipulator -- and even spreading false rumors that she was anti-Semitic.

Apparently her own words are considered "rumor" to Howie D.
on Sep 28, 2005
#1 by ParaTed2k
Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Even the President tried to diminish her by saying that she did not believe in fighting terrorism. His minions, of course, did much worse, trying to make out that she was a media savvy manipulator -- and even spreading false rumors that she was anti-Semitic.

Apparently her own words are considered "rumor" to Howie D.

it just goes to show you how low the left will stoop to, man o man I miss my old democratic party, it use to stand for something.
on Sep 28, 2005
again I point out the murder rate is 30 to 1 over a 3 years period compared to iraq war dead.
on Sep 29, 2005
The sad part of this is that the MSM takes Howie so seriously and does not question his idiotic statements, even going so far as to instill some sort of warped wisdom in is oracles of asininity.
on Sep 29, 2005
again I point out the murder rate is 30 to 1 over a 3 years period compared to iraq war dead.

Can I question where you get this statistic? I mean, if you are going by raw numbers of American soldiers killed, you have to factor in that there are way less Americans in Iraq than America. If you are going by the dead in Iraq, then you also have to count Iraqi war dead (policemen, etc.) and civilian casualties.

And all Howard Dean basically said was that she met her, and she seemed nice and sounded like she was credible and there has been a lot of spin put out to try to discredit her, and he trusts her more than an administration that lied about the WMDs.

For me, there's nothing to laugh about
on Sep 29, 2005
And all Howard Dean basically said was that she met her, and she seemed nice and sounded like she was credible and there has been a lot of spin put out to try to discredit her, and he trusts her more than an administration that lied about the WMDs.

For me, there's nothing to laugh about

Can I laugh at your typo calling Howie "SHE"? ;~D

I question anyone who trusts a woman who would publicly back the bacteria that put an RPG round in her son's lap. I also question anyone who would praise a "mother" who abandoned the rest of her kids for her 15 minutes of fame.

Miss Cindy may be "delightful" and the most friendly woman in the world, she is also a disgrace and not worth the trouble of respecting.

Howling Howie and Cindy are two loons of a feather from where I sit.
on Sep 29, 2005
and he trusts her more than an administration that lied about the WMDs.

This alone by itself is "more" than enough to laugh about.
on Sep 29, 2005
Reply By: latour999Posted: Thursday, September 29, 2005again I point out the murder rate is 30 to 1 over a 3 years period compared to iraq war dead.Can I question where you get this statistic? I mean, if you are going by raw numbers of American soldiers killed, you have to factor in that there are way less Americans in Iraq than America.

no I don't latour, the left in america talks about raw data, ie: how many american dead, I am doing the same.
on Sep 29, 2005
Reply By: latour999Posted: Thursday, September 29, 2005

he trusts her more than an administration that lied about the WMDs.

one last time.. then I am done with this... every major intelligence agency in the world, thought saddam had wmd's, so did the american CIA. everyone was fooled.
on Sep 29, 2005
Reply By: ParaTed2kPosted: Thursday, September 29, 2005

Miss Cindy may be "delightful" and the most friendly woman in the world, she is also a disgrace and not worth the trouble of respecting.

I was on cindys side when she was mourning, I felt terrible for her, not any more, SHE IS A HUGE disgrace!!
on Sep 29, 2005
Reply By: drmilerPosted: Thursday, September 29, 2005and he trusts her more than an administration that lied about the WMDs.This alone by itself is "more" than enough to laugh about.

the3 msm has said so many times Bush lied about the wmd's that most the world thinks bush lied.
on Sep 29, 2005

This alone by itself is "more" than enough to laugh about.

She reminds me of the cliche - be careful of what you wish for. you may get it.

She got it alright!

on Sep 30, 2005
he trusts her more than an administration that lied about the WMDs.

No one at the time knew for certain he had them, the CIA thought he had them, the government was acting on the best information we had at the time. No one knew for certain.
on Sep 30, 2005
I thinkl everyone has dismissed her as a kook by now, even some of her most far left handlers are starting to reconsider her as a loose cannon after she started threatning the liberasl deity Hitlery Clinton
on Sep 30, 2005

she started threatning the liberasl deity Hitlery Clinton

She did that?  Uh oh!  She best start fearing for her life!  Too many bodies around that woman!

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