America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Published on September 28, 2005 By Moderateman In Philosophy
Louis {I hate whitey} Farrakhan the leader of the BLACK MUSLIM NATION, He hates Jews and whites in that order, the best thing you can say about Farrakhan is he is up-front with his hatred, he does not hide it.

Jesse Jackson, uses any excuse to drive the wedge deeper between whites and black, he is a vulture and a blackmailer.

Al Sharpton hates whites simply because he is not white, he is a rabble rouser and equal opportunity bilker.

What the most amazing part of all this is all THREE claim to be men of God.

It's time black America stands up and sees what these three are doing.

None of them want the advancement of racial understanding because that would deprive them all of the money they steal, blackmail and defraud people out of.

While a good part of black America remains poor these three drive new cars, live in huge homes, fly personal jets around.

These three do more harm to America than the Ku-Klux-Klan ever did! The TRUE FACE OF EVIL, IS Farrakhan, Sharpton and Jackson, truly the triumverent of all that is bad in a human being.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 30, 2005
thanks for that clear elaboration.
on Sep 30, 2005
Hymmie town

not only was it racist of him to say that, it was downright STOOPID!
All he did was to alienate the thousands of young Jewish people that were involved in the civil rights movement at the time. they were hateful words that caused a drift that exists to this day.
That bastard has done more to harm the civil rights movement than anyone else I can think of... Black or White!
Yes... he is a racist.
on Sep 30, 2005

Jesse Jackson runs "The Rainbow/Push Coalition", an organization that has one purpose, to extort money from businesses by threatening racially charged lawsuits. Corperations end up "Donating" money to Rainbow/Push just to avoid getting raked through the coals in the press for "racist practices".

Also, when was the last time you heard any of the "leaders" encourage Black Americans to rise above the ghettos... Bill Cosby tried it, and look how he was treated.
on Sep 30, 2005
hi sus, how about jackson calling new york city JEW york city, is that a racist statement?

All you have to do is google any of the 3 names I listed here and you will see by their own woprds they condemn themselves.
on Sep 30, 2005
Reply By: ParaTed2kPosted: Friday, September 30, 2005Suspekted:Jesse Jackson runs "The Rainbow/Push Coalition", an organization that has one purpose, to extort money from businesses by threatening racially charged lawsuits. Corperations end up "Donating" money to Rainbow/Push just to avoid getting raked through the coals in the press for "racist practices".

like he did coke and budwiser?
on Sep 30, 2005
Alright cool on Jackson, and now as for Sharpton?
on Sep 30, 2005
Al Sharpton is late -- two hours late and counting -- when he finally ambles into his small, ramshackle Harlem office, grunts sullenly at a waiting reporter, and vanishes with his tiny entourage (one bodyguard) into a back room to return a handful of phone messages. When Sharpton opens his door 20 minutes later, however, he's a changed man -- the old pro has got his media game face on, and he's beaming, offering vigorous handshakes, scanning for a photographer (I was alone), his raspy, percussive voice booming off the walls. The preacher has climbed back onto his pulpit, and he intones as if he's addressing his own private million-man march. Al Sharpton really knows how to pin your ears back.

Not that anyone has ever accused him of being subtle. From the moment Sharpton made his first appearance on the national stage, during the Bernhard Goetz trial in 1985, through the racial turmoil in Howard Beach and Crown Heights, to his participation in the notorious Tawana Brawley case, his social activism has been tinged -- many would say permanently tainted -- by his flamboyant personality, gadfly instincts, and penchant for overstatement and tabloid melodrama. He's managed to annoy just about everyone on the New York political scene, while demonstrating an uncanny ability to drag his issues onto the public stage.


this above the line is a cut and paste job, just google his name sus.
all you have to do is listen to his words from personal appearences he takes any situation that involves blacks, Like the nyc police shooting a BLACK man, he carefully neglects to mention that the blackman shot first, things along those lines sus.
on Sep 30, 2005

Alright cool on Jackson, and now as for Sharpton?

It is alleged that Sharpton throughout his political career has called whites "crackers" and Jews "diamond merchants," "white interlopers," and "bloodsucking Jews." Sharpton's criticism of black Marxists extended to them carrying "that German cracker's book under their arms."

the remark about the "white interloper" he made several months before the 1995 arson attack on a Jewish merchant's shop in Harlem

1 minute of googling.

on Sep 30, 2005
40 by Dr. Guy
Friday, September 30, 2005

Alright cool on Jackson, and now as for Sharpton?

It is alleged that Sharpton throughout his political career has called whites "crackers" and Jews "diamond merchants," "white interlopers," and "bloodsucking Jews." Sharpton's criticism of black Marxists extended to them carrying "that German cracker's book under their arms."

the remark about the "white interloper" he made several months before the 1995 arson attack on a Jewish merchant's shop in Harlem

1 minute of googling.

thank you doc, mayb e this will open sus eyes and he will see I am not the JOKE he thinks I am, neither am I unhinged or racist.
on Sep 30, 2005
Umm, great so some crackpot posted some article talking about "alleged" remarks by Sharpton, what's the source on this? Plus, I reread the title of this thread and it's not "The three 'alleged' biggest racist(s) in America," now is it? If that were the title I suppose I could start a new post titled "TOM DELAY IS A THIEF!" I mean, if it's alleged, then it must be true right?

MM - I may not think you're a racist, but I will always believe your are a bit unhinged, or as you have put it "of a twisted mind."
on Sep 30, 2005
#42 by Suspeckted
Friday, September 30, 2005

Umm, great so some crackpot posted some article talking about "alleged" remarks by Sharpton, what's the source on this? Plus, I reread the title of this thread and it's not "The three 'alleged' biggest racist(s) in America," now is it? If that were the title I suppose I could start a new post titled "TOM DELAY IS A THIEF!" I mean, if it's alleged, then it must be true right?

MM - I may not think you're a racist, but I will always believe your are a bit unhinged, or as you have put it "of a twisted mind."

sus, really, all you have to do with sharpton is LISTEN, that's all> I would not name his as racist if I did not have "the goods" on him.

Racist is a nasty word and I do not use it casually.

heh, unhinged heh... could be the war made me a little crazy sus, and I just ain't come all the way back yet.

But you are right it is Ramblings of a twisted mind. lol
on Sep 30, 2005

Umm, great so some crackpot posted some article talking about "alleged" remarks by Sharpton, what's the source on this? Plus, I reread the title of this thread and it's not "The three 'alleged' biggest racist(s) in America," now is it? If that were the title I suppose I could start a new post titled "TOM DELAY IS A THIEF!" I mean, if it's alleged, then it must be true right?

I just did a cut and paste from the first page of Google.  I no longer have it up.  But you can google it yourself.  Not alleged.  Facts.  Dont tell me you are google impaired.

on Sep 30, 2005
Reply By: Dr. GuyPosted: Friday, September 30, 2005Umm, great so some crackpot posted some article talking about "alleged" remarks by Sharpton, what's the source on this? Plus, I reread the title of this thread and it's not "The three 'alleged' biggest racist(s) in America," now is it? If that were the title I suppose I could start a new post titled "TOM DELAY IS A THIEF!" I mean, if it's alleged, then it must be true right?I just did a cut and paste from the first page of Google. I no longer have it up. But you can google it yourself. Not alleged. Facts. Dont tell me you are google impaired.

be carefull doc someone might say you are prejudice against the googly challenged. bahahashahahahah
on Sep 30, 2005
The interesting part Suspekted, is that you don't seem willing to google or Yahoo these Yea-hoos yourself. Then you accuse us of just accepting what someone else says about. If you aren't willing to research them yourself, aren't you merely relying on what we say? ;~D
on Sep 30, 2005

be carefull doc someone might say you are prejudice against the googly challenged. bahahashahahahah


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