America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Published on September 26, 2005 By Moderateman In International
I have carefully read a recent article and while she argues some good points, points that I agree with for the most part, hoping to have some past presidents indiscretions exposed at SADDAMS trial shows once again where the lefts priorities are, not in Saddam getting what he deserves, but america being put on trial instead.
What she and by extension the leftwing cannot or will not see is that every time a politician is dragged through the mud, America is dragged with them.

Hoping to have the international news and the MSM of America treat America FAIRLY is an already fantasy.

Expose Jimmy Carter and America gets harmed, our troops put at more risk.

Expose Ronald Reagan and America gets hurt, we loose more respect than we have already lost.

Expose George Bush 41 and America get slimed by the I hate all things American crowd, including a good part of the left wing of American politics and their members.

Expose Bill Clinton and America is once again damaged.

Expose George Bush 43 and America get trashed once again.

It seems that what are fairly rational people cannot seem to get is, drag a politician through the crap and America gets dragged with them.

I know that America is not the President, but for the hate America crowd the president and what he does IS AMERICA.

It's time for the left and the right to put away the knives and come together, the constant bickering, the partisan politics is doing much more damage and harm than any terrorist can do.

Stop the infighting.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 26, 2005
#19 by little_whip
Monday, September 26, 2005

do not believe for one second that's an honest "retraction"

Me neither, MM, or he would have deleted the comment. He and I have had our days for sure, but accusing me of trying to break up Tex's marriage was just taking it too damn far, especially since there isn't an IOTA of truth to that and she told him as much.

I hear ya whip. I really do. and I been following the latest installments of DAYS OF OUR JOEUSER LIVES. HEH
on Sep 26, 2005
Because her article was a response to mine, in which I had the unmitigated audacity to disagree with a comment she made on Manos "iraq war" thread.

on Sep 26, 2005
You can post what you want on your own blog, yes, but when you post to the forums you subject yourself to admin moderation.

This article was on the forums. The article itself was fine, but her last paragraph...

As for some of the lowlife scumbag racist bitches at JU that have nothing to do with their wasted lives, but lie in wait, looking for anything to get over their blogstipation so that they can write long, hateful, disgusting, stupid, evil and racist crap, may you rot in hell. But, before you do, I invite you to read this. You might just learn something, you sorry ass hypocritic bitch.

It wasn't just you whip. Here's what I sent to Brad and Angela:

She does NOT learn! this is NOT the first time after being let off from restriction either. And to be quite frank it's more than a little tiring. Now granted this my be on her blog but it's showing up in the forums with no adult tag on it. And she has been dropping bombs like this all over. Could you please say something to her?

Who will testify at Saddam's trial?

Is it going to be a fair trial?

By: dabe
Posted: 9/25/2005 11:25:56 PM on Dabe's Site
Saddam's trial begins on October 19, 2005. It's going to get very interesting, because in order for him to put on any kind of appropriate defence, he will have to bring up some things that our government likely wishes would not be brought up. But, the defence team, if they are going to provide a vigorous defense, must insist upon some historical facts. Of course, none of these thing will actually serve to condone the atrocities committed by Saddam, but he will drag down some significant American politicians in his efforts. And, rightly so.

I truly believe that some of the dirt on our US administration, and their knowledge both before and after the fact, and their tacit dismissal at that time, are likely going to make the neocons really uncomfortable. Sure the trial will begin on October 19th (if there are no further delays), but it is going to be a long drawn out affair. The questions I have are: Will the dubya neocon dummies do everthing possible to withhold evidence? Will Renquist or Cheney or any of these other conniving scumbags testify? Will Saddam survive long enough through the trial to get the entire story out? I suspect that the answer to these questions will likely be "no", but time will tell. I have provided one article, an opinion column that speaks exactly on some of these thoughts. No, it's not conspiracy theory. It's real history, which some people here dismiss entirely because it doesn't suit their simpleton explanations of life.

As for some of the lowlife scumbag racist bitches at JU that have nothing to do with their wasted lives, but lie in wait, looking for anything to get over their blogstipation so that they can write long, hateful, disgusting, stupid, evil and racist crap, may you rot in hell. But, before you do, I invite you to read this. You might just learn something, you sorry ass hypocritic bitch.
on Sep 26, 2005
How does a person who claims such compassion for others get to be so hateful? My God. And she calls us insane.
on Sep 26, 2005
How does a person who claims such compassion for others get to be so hateful?

That's my issue. How can we say we expect our leaders to embrace peace when we can't even do it ourselves? How can we ask Americans to be tolerant of the choices and differences of others when we can't manage to do it ourselves? How can we demand compassion from others when all we give is hate?

*shakes head*

We can't bully people into accepting our ideas. The best way to change the world is to BE the change we want to see in the world.
on Sep 26, 2005
Reply By: RightwingerPosted: Monday, September 26, 2005How does a person who claims such compassion for others get to be so hateful? My God. And she calls us insane.

dunno,, somehow I think the difference in politics angers her to much.
on Sep 26, 2005
Mano did finally delete his comments, and apologized to Tex

not impressed.
on Sep 26, 2005
Reply By: little_whipPosted: Monday, September 26, 2005Tex, if every liberal was just like you, I'd like 'em a LOT more than I currently do.

on Sep 27, 2005
It's just a shame that she's so thoroughly indoctrinated.....and there's no other word for it; I mean, she's utterly brainwashed....that she can't even glimpse another point of view.
on Sep 27, 2005
I think that it would be about time for some of these horrific acts that the US has engaged in and the people who orchestrated them be held to the standard by which they hypocritically hold others.

What horrific acts?
on Sep 27, 2005
Reply By: LeaukiPosted: Tuesday, September 27, 2005I think that it would be about time for some of these horrific acts that the US has engaged in and the people who orchestrated them be held to the standard by which they hypocritically hold others.What horrific acts?

you know, rushing to aid tsunami victims, liberating 50 million people in afganistan and iraq. that kind of terrible deeds.
on Sep 28, 2005
i WAS wondering how an article about saddams trial degenerated into a whipfest.

Isn't that what usually happens when someone posts outrageous claims that they cannot prove? It's the typical reaction from the radical, or as I call it, the democratic base.
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