America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Published on September 17, 2005 By Moderateman In Republican
The more I see of the Lunatic fringe or as I call them, the lying left, the closer my values are getting pushed to a real conservative view.

I am now rethinking my social liberal views and am now considering just saying piss off you leeches on the lifeblood of America.

Why should I have to support your sorry ass because you are to damn lazy to find a job?

Why should I have to pay extra taxes because I am successful and your not!

Why Do I have to fix your crappy lives when you cannot even feed yourself with out sucking from the public teat?

You wanna spit out 1/2 dozen kids, learn how to feed them and cloth them your self!

You sorry excuses for human being have not a lick of gratitude for what you freely take from the tax base, you just want more and when you get more you want more and more.

We the American people feed you, cloth you, pay you to have babies educate you and still you want more.

Well I am tired of it!

Learn how to take care of yourselves, what ever happened to the American spirit of self worth?

I say stop entitlement programs, starve if you cannot figure it out, the gene pool will be better for your demise!

Yes I am angry and disgusted with the bloodsucking left and the way they steal the soul of the poor, yes they give you money for votes but they steal your soul in the process.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 18, 2005
Reply By: LocamamaPosted: Sunday, September 18, 2005Moderate Man - I say stop entitlement programs, starve if you cannot figure it out, the gene pool will be better for your demise!I was responding to what you said in your article. You said they can starve. You say end the entitlement programs that feed and clothe these children and then you turn around and say that we don't allow poor children to be treated that way in this country. You are contradicting yourself.

no I am not, it's time the citizens of america learn to fend for themselves, again. I could just see the wild west NEVER getting settled with the attitude of feed me clothe me take care of my children.

Short entitlements are fine, but when you get the 2nd and 3rd and 4th generation of people on welfare. Well it's time to clean the gene pool.
on Sep 18, 2005
Reply By: LocamamaPosted: Sunday, September 18, 2005And Moderate Man which programs do you want to end specifically Food Stamps, Subsudized lunches, WIC, EIC, Medicaid? It is fine to be fed up with the people who manipulate the system and have a rant about it. But there are real consequences to eliminating these programs.

I do not want to ELIMINATE any of them just have a expiration date on them. maybe 4 years, educate them, help them get a job, then they are on there own.
on Sep 18, 2005
funny how that works you get a question and you answer, but it's not an answer that someone can fight with, so they ignore you.

Ah yes the left doing what it does best, prevaricate then desert.
on Sep 18, 2005
I'm back sorry if I wasn't quick enough for you.

I thought that was the whole point of the welfare reform in the 90's - to put a time limit on benefits and have a work requirement. I don't know the details. I tried to look it up on the net but didn't have time to sort through all the crapola.
on Sep 18, 2005
I suggest you change your byline from moderate to extrememan.
on Sep 19, 2005
With most government aid recipients living in the "red" states, you'd be hurtin' your own base, there, bubba.

Hey Baker, Chavezuela has seen a huge decline in poverty since The Man's been in power...unlike the 10 percent increase we've had here under our own Dear Leader.
on Sep 19, 2005
byrd has spent more money on his own state from federal funds than the entire right

this is dumb, even for you
on Sep 19, 2005
"Hey Baker, Chavezuela has seen a huge decline in poverty since The Man's been in power...unlike the 10 percent increase we've had here under our own Dear Leader."

Do you consider people on welfare in America to have escaped poverty? If so, you are right in an insipid way. Poverty decreases when the World Bank and the Venezuelan govnerment start handing out cash to keep people from starving. That is, if your idea of "poverty" is starvation. If the US used those standards for poverty we'd look like Utopia.

Improvement?, Nah. Why has the Wold Bank been forced to mobilize to save all these poor Venezuelans? Most of the crap you refer to is Chavez's own propaganda, which disputed heavily by even those in his country.

Not often, though. Why? Because disputing the "truth" of government propaganda gets you prison time, you know, like the heinous crime of insulting the government. How long do you intend to embrace that sawed-off little dictator? I guess as long as you can keep your head up your ass without suffocating...
on Sep 19, 2005
#5 by Lotherius
Saturday, September 17, 2005

You know, there are more than two ways to think.

If you limit yourself to being a Democrat/Liberal or a Republican/Conservative, you're just showing that you have no capacity for independent thought. Just because you disagree with this radical left, and disagree with how some of the social services they promote are run, and some of the constituency they serve, doesn't automatically make you a Republican.

Personally, I have disagreements with BOTH parties. Yet anytime I criticize Bush, I get labeled a Liberal weenie. I have never been on welfare, I *have* gone hungry rather than go to the food bank, etc. In a lot of ways, my life is very conservative. Yet, at the same time, I disagree wholeheartedly with the moral indignation of the Right-wing. It is not their job to be telling people how to live their personal lives - even if MY personal life fits (mostly) within that mold.

An independent thinker need not be identify himself by a party label. To do so is to box yourself in.

Hmmm ... seems that got an echo around here. This about sums up how I believe. I make my decisions/choices based on what *I* think. I don't follow any one party, and will vote for whomever I believe will do the best job. In Nov 2004, that happened to be Bush (mostly a case of the lessor of two evils thinking). In several local elections, I've voted for the independent or democratic candidates, because I think they do a better job than the others. It's all on a case-by-case basis.

Independent thinkers think together!!!
on Sep 19, 2005
Reply By: LocamamaPosted: Sunday, September 18, 2005I'm back sorry if I wasn't quick enough for you. I thought that was the whole point of the welfare reform in the 90's - to put a time limit on benefits and have a work requirement. I don't know the details. I tried to look it up on the net but didn't have time to sort through all the crapola

yep loco, that's how it was suppossed to work , but the song remains the same as states do not enforce it.
on Sep 19, 2005
Reply By: stevendedalusPosted: Sunday, September 18, 2005I suggest you change your byline from moderate to extrememan.

nice to see your name again stevendalus, and I like Neo-conman better. heh
on Sep 19, 2005
Reply By: MyrranderPosted: Monday, September 19, 2005With most government aid recipients living in the "red" states, you'd be hurtin' your own base, there, bubba.Hey Baker, Chavezuela has seen a huge decline in poverty since The Man's been in power...unlike the 10 percent increase we've had here under our own Dear Leader.

number wise the majority of poor are white, but somehow I do not think the majority of them vote republican.

Same thing goes for them though, get a job, or starve, the gene pool will be happy.
on Sep 19, 2005
Independent thinkers think together!!!

no matter what party I belong to, {republican today} I always vote who is best suited for job.
on Sep 19, 2005
How long do you intend to embrace that sawed-off little dictator? I guess as long as you can keep your head up your ass without suffocating...

I've been wondering the same since Jan 20, 2001.

I'll keep supporting him until he betrays the cause. When you take into account the level Venezuela rose from, it makes sense.

Chavez was the first to offer support after Katrina. Followed by Castro. Then, the US federal government. Gotta make you burn, eh?
on Sep 20, 2005
Chavez was the first to offer support after Katrina. Followed by Castro. Then, the US federal government. Gotta make you burn, eh?

What a load of bs there.
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