America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Put yourself in someone else's shoes
Published on September 1, 2005 By Moderateman In Philosophy
Picture this.

It's one or two days before payday, you are broke and I do mean broke, no money, maybe a 10 dollar bill to your name.
Many of us live paycheck to paycheck, so it's not that hard to imagine. If you have a car, you have no gas to speak of.

You are considered an outcast by societies rule of thumb,{BTW rule of thumb comes from the olden days when you could not beat your wife with a stick fatter than your thumb} you live on the edge of the law anyways, maybe not a real criminal but will take the easy buck.

Your possessions are the bare minimum, your refrigerator is almost empty most the month.

Suddenly calamity strikes, be it earth quake, flood or disease.

You have no money to escape, you have children and are angry anyways, the heat of summer is already got you on the edge.

You watch as everyone with means to leave has already left.

The most simple things in life are taken from you, no water to drink, no water to flush toilets, no food, no shelter.
Your kids are screaming because they do not understand what is happening to them, they are thirsty and hungry.

What would you do? Would you steal food? other things? Would your anger boil over and cause you to do things you would have never done?

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 01, 2005
Reply By: Dr. GuyPosted: Thursday, September 01, 2005Absolutley! Yes, I would use my brain (yes, I do have one even though it's tiny) and look for the legal options, but I think MM's question is if things are REALLY bleak. Like my uncle I described in war time Europe. If I HAD to, I would.Taking 2 pistols off of a dead officer in a war zone, is not the scenerio that MM portrayed there. He was not looting, he was fighting in a war. A big difference.

alright doc, I see I am going to have to pin you down.. would you steal to keep your family alive>? no other choices steal or die and have your family die by starvation and dehydration.
on Sep 01, 2005

alright doc, I see I am going to have to pin you down.. would you steal to keep your family alive>? no other choices steal or die and have your family die by starvation and dehydration.

Changing the rules in the middle of the game is not Cricket.  Nor do I see it as an either or. As I said, there are always alternatives.  One just has to look for them.

on Sep 01, 2005
#17 by Dr. Guy
Thursday, September 01, 2005

alright doc, I see I am going to have to pin you down.. would you steal to keep your family alive>? no other choices steal or die and have your family die by starvation and dehydration.

Changing the rules in the middle of the game is not Cricket. Nor do I see it as an either or. As I said, there are always alternatives. One just has to look for them.

alright doc, I loves ya like a brother, but this one time I gotta say yer fulla poop. no offense really. I did not change rules in the middle re read original post, it's called IMAGINE.
on Sep 01, 2005
Taking 2 pistols off of a dead officer in a war zone, is not the scenerio that MM portrayed there. He was not looting, he was fighting in a war. A big difference.

Like MM I love ya too and don't mean to sound sarcastic at all, so please don't take offense! That's the LAST thing I wanna do! Anyway..I see the above example as the exact same thing, taking what's not yours for survival.
on Sep 01, 2005
sorry yer week sucks, things will get better. {{{{forever}}}} and a brotherly forehead kiss.

Thanks Elie...

Since I didnt' technically answer the question I will say honestly that I will do whatever I had to to keep my kids alive. I do it everyday! I'm mommy lion with her cubs and like a gorilla I will fight to keep them alive! Let me add that if that means stealing food, clothing yes....and I would leave a note to say I did they can come and arrest me if they want! I was saying this to my friends yesterday too...stealing for survival is different, when there's no other means and no way out...than looting for the fun of it!
on Sep 01, 2005
Reply By: foreverserenityPosted: Thursday, September 01, 2005sorry yer week sucks, things will get better. {{{{forever}}}} and a brotherly forehead kiss.Thanks Elie...Since I didnt' technically answer the question I will say honestly that I will do whatever I had to to keep my kids alive. I do it everyday! I'm mommy lion with her cubs and like a gorilla I will fight to keep them alive! Let me add that if that means stealing food, clothing yes....and I would leave a note to say I did they can come and arrest me if they want! I was saying this to my friends yesterday too...stealing for survival is different, when there's no other means and no way out...than looting for the fun of it!

and thats the answer I was looking for, an honest one. no ducking {docguy} I believe people will do anything to survive.. look what the donner party did when trapped in the sierras.
on Sep 01, 2005

alright doc, I loves ya like a brother, but this one time I gotta say yer fulla poop. no offense really. I did not change rules in the middle re read original post, it's called IMAGINE.

Remember The Wrath of Khan?  Kirk's solution to the Kobyashi Maru test, and what he told his son about it?

Your original did not give us only 2 choices.  It gave a scenerio and asked would you loot in that situation.  I merely replied that I would explore other alternatives.

And I had a nice BM this morning, thank you for asking.

on Sep 01, 2005

Like MM I love ya too and don't mean to sound sarcastic at all, so please don't take offense! That's the LAST thing I wanna do! Anyway..I see the above example as the exact same thing, taking what's not yours for survival.

Why is everyone so concerned about my bathroom habits?

Ok, if you are going to define taking ANYthing, then I have. I took part of the Berlin wall back in 74. Still have it too. However, I dont see that as being akin to looting (for other than non-perishables) as the same.

on Sep 01, 2005
Did you ever see 28 Days Later?

Without rambling on and on about the premise of the movie, in it a group of people (a man, woman, father, and daughter) find themselves pretty much alone and without supplies. They go to a grocery store and stock up on everything they can find that won't spoil.

The father leaves his credit card behind on the empty counter.

I think in a crisis situation, there may be circumstances that lead us to abandon our normal moral values (not stealing) in order to survive. There is definitely a difference between survival items (which may vary depending on the circumstances) and items that are taken for personal gain.

I've never been in such a situation (I've been broke before, but that's the extent of it), so I can't really know what I would be willing to do.

However, I can confidently say that I would take food and other necessity items (toilet paper, batteries, etc) from an abandoned store if I felt that my family would be endangered without them.

I would hope that I would leave my name and contact info behind so that I could be contacted for payment (or punishment).

When it comes to the well-being and survival of our children, there are probably very few things that we wouldn't do to keep them safe and clothed and fed.
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