See I am being a pseudo intellectual.
Best Movie Adaptations from Books:
1) "Dolores en mi cu lo .I did not read this book or see the movie but I want to seem well rounded in my reading.
2) "The Last tube of glue.-- be right back am huffing while I think.
3) "Fight Club" --I liked this book because it has sweaty men you know hitting each other.
4) "plant-potting" -- this is an excellent book on how to pot plants or how to plant pot plants. whatever.
5) "The Secret of moaning - based on a little known book "The Secret of the liberal moan," I read this cause my moaning has fallen on deaf ears recently.
Honorable Mentions: none except number 9 of the Conan the barbarian series where you know sweaty men are stabbing each other.
And now, the worst:
1) "The Black ZIT -- This horrible little zit on my nose has been plauging me for months can anyone help?
2) "The drooling Man" --this neat book gives many pointer on how to drool with no one seeing you wipe it on their furniture.
3) "upside Down" -- Did I mention the animation is terrible? It is.
4) "Charlie HUFFINGTON AND THE GLUE Factory. THIS is self explanatory.
5) "The Secret of surreptitious nose picking ,again self explanatory." --
Dishonorable Mentions: "Maneater," "Margaret+Juliet," "The piss of Avalon," and "The Clan of the kluxers."