Judge Roberts and the Democrats.
Since the left can find no real reason to stop the nomination of the honorable Judge Roberts for SCOTUS, they are as usual looking for anything to latch on to so the can obstruct his appointment.
The Democrats are now demanding Judge Roberts kindergarten records to see if at anytime he refused to take a nap
Also in question is Judge Robers failed his very first math exam in grade school, which should disqualify him from any cases with money involved.
The Democrats will continue to ask for records till they have read every piece of paper about Judge Roberts in the futile search for anything no matter how slight to latch on to In order to continue to do what they do best, OBSTRUCT anything President Bush wants.
When will the left do anything but obstruct?
I for one am damn tired of it, the left now has over 130,000 documents about Roberts, is not this enough?