President Bush uses his power to stop obstructionist Democrats
President George W. Bush today named John Bolton as ambassador to the United Nations, using his power to make temporary appointments while Congress is in recess to overcome Senate Democrats who stalled a vote on the nomination.
Funny how the Democrats are now complaining of abuse of power by the president, when it's within the presidents power to make recess appointments and is done all the time.
These same Democrats that are so quick to scream abuse of power have not looked at there own abuses, A president pick for anything needs 51 votes to pass, but due to the filabuster the Democrats raised that bar to 60 votes, abuse of power? yes by you Democrats, not by this great President.
Poor democrats cannot seem to find anything to do but there usual obstruct, cry, whine and complain while offering nothing of substance.
No matter what you do Democrats MY President will find a way to get around you.
We need a straong envoy to the United Nations to get them under control, this body continues to state the two greatest threats to world peace are Israel and the United States.