I was once a democrat for 35 years then I grew up. I WAS a proud liberal,, totally convinced I and my party was always right, then I grew up.
I used drugs alot why? because of liberal politics, it made it ok to use, when I grew up I stopped.
When the democratic partys vanguard was howard the coward and the traitor hanoijohn kerry, I grew up and came to my senses and switched parties.
I made my buisness a success by hard work and never got a handout.
I was mistreated by liberals when I came home from viet nam and was convinced I was a bad man, why? because My party said I was, then I grew up.
I do not by any means agree with all of my Presidents decisions , but I support him why? because I grew up.
I still think abortion is an abomination, but support a womans right to make bad decisions, why? because I am all grown up.