The democrats strike again!
Todays laugh come from the mouth of Senator Harry Reid {D. NEV}
During todays discussion of judical nominees as he was trashing janet brown, who is considered by the American Bar association, as one of the top Jurists in the land, Harry Reid was using the words of mr. Gonzalas our Attorney General, to spread poison, Reid was extolling the wisdom of gonzalas and using those words to attempt to destroy judge brown.
The way Reid was extolling gonzalas stood in sharp contrast to a few months ago when reid said gonzalas was not qualified for the job of attorney general.
Funny how that works, Just a short time ago Reid was condeming gonzalas as a mastermind that used torture, but soon as reid needed an example to trash someone else, suddenly gonzalas is a wise man.
Goes to show you there is NO LOW the democrats won't stoop to, to get there way.