America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Barf bag included
Published on April 28, 2005 By Moderateman In Politics
Been a while since I have taken my shots at liberals and I feel they need me to blast them into a sense of reality.

I have made this point several times that liberals are only liberal when you are in total compliance with their sick and twisted down right unamerican thinking.

Yes I said unamerican, because there is nothing about america that the farleft liberals do not want to change.

They wish the total annialation of religion from any public forum, they think the common man is some kind of idiot and needs there guidence, well we don't. they think that murdering a fetus is ok, they think that the whole world is right and america is wrong all the time.
They thing the greatest threat to freedom is america and I for one am tired of it.

They think handouts for the poor for the rest of there lives is just fine unto the 4th generation and past that even.

Ok small baby rant over.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 28, 2005
glad ya noticed and did not personalize this.. it was met for the lunitics that are in the democratic party. NOT the level headed clear thinkers like yourself and the fazz for 2.

Hooray! It's not for me because I can't join the Democratic Party because I'm not American! Besides, I probably wouldn't join anyway. They are just too conservative for my tastes...

But I guess my thinking, which is unAmerican by nature, makes me a liberal (but not a Liberal. They are also too conservative for me!)...Remember 9/11 1973! (waits for .50 cal bullets to come my way)
on Apr 28, 2005
Remember 9/11 1973!

Forgive my ignorance....wasn't around back then. What exactly happened on 9/11 1973?
on Apr 28, 2005
Reply By: latour999Posted: Thursday, April 28, 2005My God you atre a hoot, real nice to see the man behind the man come out to play, you are rapidly becomming one of my favorites here, {even if I do not understand 2/3rds of what you type} ,SMILE>Now you know how I feel

real good to see yer name again latour. hope all has been good and you are well.
on Apr 28, 2005
Reply By: latour999Posted: Thursday, April 28, 2005glad ya noticed and did not personalize this.. it was met for the lunitics that are in the democratic party. NOT the level headed clear thinkers like yourself and the fazz for 2.Hooray! It's not for me because I can't join the Democratic Party because I'm not American! Besides, I probably wouldn't join anyway. They are just too conservative for my tastes...But I guess my thinking, which is unAmerican by nature, makes me a liberal (but not a Liberal. They are also too conservative for me!)...Remember 9/11 1973! (waits for .50 cal bullets to come my way)

naw since you have no impact on american policies and politics, you are safe from any bullets fly from me.
on Apr 28, 2005
Reply By: NJforeverPosted: Thursday, April 28, 2005Remember 9/11 1973!Forgive my ignorance....wasn't around back then. What exactly happened on 9/11 1973?

I was around then and have no clue.
on Apr 29, 2005
I do support abortion, and while I'm a bit uncomfortable with the idea, I don't think it's murder.

--Murder is murder, look it up in the dictionary...

Reply #20 By: Citizen Moderateman - 4/28/2005 11:03:10 PM
Reply By: NJforeverPosted: Thursday, April 28, 2005Remember 9/11 1973!Forgive my ignorance....wasn't around back then. What exactly happened on 9/11 1973?

I was around then and have no clue.

--really, i placed you between 25-30.... [waits for bullets to fly at him because of slight sarcasm....] J/K
on Apr 29, 2005
9/11/73 - I think the Chilean government was overthrown by Pinochet's goons in an allegedly CIA-sponsored coup (or it could have been an assassination; I'm a little hazy on the details). Tens of thousands were 'disappeared' in the following years. It was a big buzzphrase after the US 9/11.

Nice to see you're still in form Moderateman. Sometimes I wonder though who exactly these articles are aimed at, seeing as though hardly anyone actually takes the bait anymore.
on Apr 29, 2005
Guess that means I'm not a liberal.

YOu have already stated you are left. Which could be liberal, or just left of center. YOu have moderating (not moderate) views. We disagree on some issues (Abortion being one), but you back yours up with rational and sane thoughts. You may or may not like Bush, but you do not hate him. You disagree with many of his policies, but agree with some others.

In short, you are the antithesis of the character Moderateman describes. And those do exist. One would hope that we can get back to a real debate in politics, and the more left or liberals, like you there are, the more hope we have.
on Apr 29, 2005
9/11/73 - I think the Chilean government was overthrown by Pinochet's goons in an allegedly CIA-sponsored coup (or it could have been an assassination; I'm a little hazy on the details). Tens of thousands were 'disappeared' in the following years. It was a big buzzphrase after the US 9/11.

It is a little bit more complicated than that. Altho the CIA involvement was alleged, so was MI6 and several other western governments. Allende scared the hell out of a lot of leaders in the west, and caused a general depression in Chile as they pulled their investment out. That lead to the unrest which Pinochet took advantage of.

Of course as most Chileans found out, the cure for the depression was often worse than the cause as many people simply disappeared.
on Apr 29, 2005
Reply By: cactoblastaPosted: Friday, April 29, 20059/11/73 - I think the Chilean government was overthrown by Pinochet's goons in an allegedly CIA-sponsored coup (or it could have been an assassination; I'm a little hazy on the details). Tens of thousands were 'disappeared' in the following years. It was a big buzzphrase after the US 9/11.Nice to see you're still in form Moderateman. Sometimes I wonder though who exactly these articles are aimed at, seeing as though hardly anyone actually takes the bait anymore.

not bait cacto. and nice to see you around again also. this is for the flaming idiots that are a small part of the left.
on Apr 29, 2005
i placed you between 25-30

thank you??
on Apr 29, 2005
Reply By: little_whipPosted: Friday, April 29, 2005Anyone who wishes harm on their own nation or takes delight in seeing their nation harmed, just to prove a political point, is un-American, but I've never seen a Conservative take this position.Many Conservatives are against the war in Iraq, but I've yet to see one say, "I hope we get our asses kicked over there, that will prove I'm right!"Everyone was horrified by the carnage of 9/11, but I've never seen a Conservative say, "We got what we deserved, we had it coming."And while emotions ran high on both sides during the Teri Shiavo drama, it took a liberal to say, "Fuck it, I'm glad the bitch is dead."I know why liberals make you angry, MM, for the same reasons they piss me off!

fortunatly the loons seem tobe in short supply here right now, wait till the midterm elections tho.
on Apr 29, 2005
real good to see yer name again latour. hope all has been good and you are well.

Everything's OK with me. It's just that with my new job, I've been pretty busy as of late.
on Apr 29, 2005
29 by latour999
Friday, April 29, 2005

real good to see yer name again latour. hope all has been good and you are well.

Everything's OK with me. It's just that with my new job, I've been pretty busy as of late

Glad to hear things are good, but I do miss crossing swords with you,
on Apr 29, 2005
Glad to hear things are good, but I do miss crossing swords with you,

I suppose everyone needs a nemesis...

But I think the problem here is not with the views of the left, but how we express them sometimes. We need to be more articulate. For example, I believe that marijuana should be legalized and sold like alcohol or cigatettes. I can explain why I believe this, what we should do, etc. at least somewhat articulately (such as the essay I wrote a few weeks ago). The stoner who shares my beliefs may have difficulty with explaining his views on marijuana to the general public articulately, therefore this may cause a drop in support for ending prohibition of marijuana. On a lot of issues, the left, because we believe we are fighting for civil rights, have trouble articulating these beliefs because they are so passionate about them and angry at the other side, who are viewed as trying to oppress people. This causes some lapses in judgement and going over the top with contempt and even hatred for the other side, which pisses you off.

I tend to be liberal on most issues (except anti-affirmative action and only moderately pro-choice), and probably one of the farthest left on JU, but I try to be more articulate in my postings (sometimes I go off the edge) to avoid making a lot of enemies.
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