America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Where have you lived?
Published on April 21, 2005 By Moderateman In History
I have wondered if Americans are a nomadic culture, I am 58 years old and here is where I have lived {for more than 30 days}

New York State
Washington State
New jersey
Vietnam {south}
The Philippines

How about you? Remember the rules 30 days or more as a resident not a visitor

Comments (Page 2)
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on Apr 22, 2005
Do moves back to a place or moves inside a state count? If so... Panama City, FL; Circleville,OH;Panama City,FL;Lynn Haven, FL; Drummoned(don't remember the spelling),FL;Lynn Haven,FL Circleville, OH; Columbus,OH. I haven't really been out of these two states but next year I will be going to Kentucky for college.

I have gone to 7 different schools from K-12th grade. At the rate I was going at first, I thought it would be more but it wasn't. I haven't really been moving aimlessly. Ohio is where family is and Florida is where my mom likes living more. We couldn't decide where to stay, but now that my aunt lives in Ohio my mom doesn't think we'll be moving anymore.

Capt. over and out!
on Apr 22, 2005
Athens, GA (1982 - 1983)
State College, PA (1983 - 2004)
Hartford, CT (2004 - ???)

I'm not that pleased with New England so there is an excellent chance I'll be moving again soon.
on Apr 22, 2005
Reply By: GimpyonePosted: Friday, April 22, 2005sadly only in New Hampshire, but my heart resides in California, does that count?( I left it there on last visit)

sure it counts, ready to get out of cold and snow country yet?
on Apr 22, 2005
Reply By: LocamamaPosted: Friday, April 22, 2005I am married to the military. So I think that makes me nomadic whether I wanted to be or not. I am 33 and I have lived in Ohio, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, back to Ohio, Florida, back to Ohio again (I stayed with family while my husband was at bootcamp, A school and one deployment that's all the back to Ohio's) Maryland and now Texas. But I am the only one in my family that doesn't live in Ohio. I am glad that I got to experience living in different places. My little sister has never lived anywhere but in our home town and that just seems so boring to me now. I guess there's good and bad to it. What kills me is the people who never even visit anywhere. I met a lady at the school that said she had never been out of Parker County and I really just don't know how that is possible. I mean at some point you have to have at least been to Fort Worth but she said she didn't need anything there - weird.

when growing up in new york city I knew people that never left the boro they lived in, new york city is made up of 5 boros, manhatten, brooklyn, the bronx, staten island and queens, Imagine living in the bronx and never even been to manhatten?
on Apr 22, 2005
Reply By: CaptainCornbreadPosted: Friday, April 22, 2005Do moves back to a place or moves inside a state count? If so... Panama City, FL; Circleville,OH;Panama City,FL;Lynn Haven, FL; Drummoned(don't remember the spelling),FL;Lynn Haven,FL Circleville, OH; Columbus,OH. I haven't really been out of these two states but next year I will be going to Kentucky for college.

Good on you going to school, and moving counts as nomadic behavior even if it's the same state i think
on Apr 22, 2005

Virginia, Texas, California, Ohio, Germany, France, Washington St. and Maryland.

Favorite was California

on Apr 22, 2005
Jamaica, W.I. - birth to 22 years

New York, 1987 - 2002

Florida, 2002 - ?

I have no idea where we'll be in the future. We love to travel so in between living where we were we've visited a lot of places. And will continue to do so. I think I would definately be nomadic if I wasn't married with children!
on Apr 22, 2005

I've lived in (if you count college) 7 different cities, but they have all been in Michigan.  I started out fairly far up north (not the U.P., though) and now live almost as far south as you can go without being in Ohio.

Though Michigan kills my arthritic joints (changes weather and pressure constantly) I doubt that I will ever move.  Both my family and my husband's family live in Michigan.  I ended up moving down to this area to be closer to his family, and luckily, my parents (who had lived in the same town all their lives except for when my Dad was in the military) followed me.

I've been in my current home for over 5 years, and I doubt that I'll be moving anytime soon.  (Though, if I had a lot more money, I might think about it......but I don't so it doesn't matter )

on Apr 22, 2005
Reply By: Helix the IIPosted: Friday, April 22, 2005I'm a military brat, need I say more?Nevada,California,3x Alabama,Germany,Oklahoma,Arizona2x Illinois,in no particular order.The place I liked the best? In Alabama.. I plan on a move to northern GA sometime in the future, beautiful place.

my lovely wife was an airforce brat, now she has traveled like crazy, she was born in england.
on Apr 22, 2005
Reply By: JillUserPosted: Thursday, April 21, 2005I have only lived in MI. My ancestors founded my home town in northern MI. I never thought I would leave other than to go to college and come back. I started school in central MI then transferred to southwestern MI and have lived in the Detroit area for about 10yrs. I am certainly not nomadic.

nope karma you are not, but this post is to see if in general americans are nomadic, btw how many times have you moved? different homes count too
on Apr 22, 2005
Reply By: Dr. GuyPosted: Friday, April 22, 2005Virginia, Texas, California, Ohio, Germany, France, Washington St. and Maryland.Favorite was California

if yer ever out this way doc... do drop in, and that is not an idle invite.
on Apr 22, 2005
Reply By: NJforeverPosted: Thursday, April 21, 2005New Jersey all my life. But, though it is a bit early to be thinking of this, college speculation may bring me to Pennsylvania, or Virginia.

california has some wonderfull schools, hint hint.
on Apr 22, 2005
Reply By: foreverserenityPosted: Friday, April 22, 2005Jamaica, W.I. - birth to 22 yearsNew York, 1987 - 2002Florida, 2002 - ?I have no idea where we'll be in the future. We love to travel so in between living where we were we've visited a lot of places. And will continue to do so. I think I would definately be nomadic if I wasn't married with children!

My mom was tribel, in Turkey, they moved everything, animals, tents, children, on and on.
on Apr 22, 2005

if yer ever out this way doc... do drop in, and that is not an idle invite.

My Wife and I go out to Imperial Valley about 2-3 times a year.  We are headed there in September for her Nephews wedding, but that will be in the Staples center in LA, so we will be both there and the Valley.  Dont know where you are located, but i seem to remember it is not the coast.  HOw close would either of those 2 be?

on Apr 22, 2005
I am actually working on a paper to this end. I'm going to follow this thread for some unofficial research.
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