America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Published on April 21, 2005 By Moderateman In Blogging
How do I get another account as my wife wants her own blog.

How do ya get those nifty icons that seems to be sprouting everywhere?

I still cannot figure out how to post links and pictures, The links are important, and the pictures of me can be used to scare liberal children.

How come On my account I have over 52000 points yet only 30000 or so show up?

most of all I need lots of answeres gently put so a complete puter idiot can understand them.

on Apr 21, 2005
account: I believe if you log off your account you can then create a new account for your wife. Then you would have to make sure the right person was logged in when you posted or it would show up with the other persons name. To log out click the redish symbol to the left of your name in the 'My Account' sidebar.
icon: Icons come from wincustomize. Go to this link and fill out the personal icon section (you can do photo and screenshot while your there if you want). Even though this is joeuser you have a wincustomize account due to how stardock crosslinks their sites.
links: find the url you want to post (for example and then type out <A HREF=>Moderateman's Blog</A> For pictures use <IMG SRC=url of picture>
points: You have 31057 points (as of me checking as I write this), your blog has 54750. The points are kept track of seperatly, although often times adding points to one will increase the other as well. Most people seem to have fewer points then their blog total, for whatever reason. Odd are the ways of points, understand them few do.
As usual, I could be wrong with these answers, but hopefully they will be of help.
on Apr 22, 2005
thanx danny I printed out your instructions, I appreciate you taking the time.
on Apr 22, 2005

May I add one Moderateman?

How do you change your email address if you are changing ISPs?

on Apr 22, 2005
I can answer that one too
changing email: 'My Account' (on sidebar under your name, right side of this blog at least). Then 'Edit Account Information', which will likely ask you to log in, causing a popup window to appear. In this window second tab is 'Logon Info' which should have a section for changing your email. Just put in the new email twice and hit update (note, password boxes are first, email is second, if you get them confused you might make your email your password, so be careful).
I havn't done this myself so I can't vouch for it's effectiveness, but it should work.
on Apr 22, 2005

Reply By: Danny Bassette

Damn you are good!  Have a cookie!  I wish I could give you more!  Thanks a million!

on Apr 22, 2005
Reply By: Dr. GuyPosted: Friday, April 22, 2005Reply By: Danny BassetteDamn you are good! Have a cookie! I wish I could give you more! Thanks a milli

yep danny is a sweetheart and it pains me to see him go throught the blues the way he does.