There is more to California than you think.
I see lots of people poking fun at Californians, {I do too btw} but the TRUTH is cut a 25 mile swath through California chopping of the coastline and what you have left is a Republican state.
I live is a small town, there are many such towns in California. People here are much more concerned with the daily humdrum of life, than telling everyone how to act and what to believe.
Making a living, keeping your family safe, and minding your own business.
We do not agree with most LIBERAL policies here, we want people to work for a living, not get entitlements and spit out kids for more money.
We are God fearing traditional folks for the most part, we do not believe in Gay marriage.
We believe that marriage is between ONE male and ONE female and voted that way, only to have it overturned by one LIBERAL activist judge, legislating from the bench, but such is the cross we bear in California, LIBERAL activist abound, you cannot swing a dead cat on the coast with out hitting some bleeding heart liberal.
We believe do the crime, do the time. Period.
So when you good folks {not you drab} trash California, keep it confined to the coastline.