so says SHRILLERY and the lunatic fringe.
Here we go, while watching that bastion of RIGHTWING news cnn, there she was in liver errrr living color, the former first girly, HILLERY {that thing will never touch my lips bill} CLINTON.
Starting off with” the Republicans has been trying to DESTROY social security for 60 years”, hmmmmmmm 60? Destroy? Hmmmmm
Sandwiching more lies and talking liberal head rhetoric before ending with.
“The republicans are out to get the middle class and destroy their retirement.”
What a gal, a real American heroine. Totally in line with American values. Knowing how difficult it is to make it from paycheck to paycheck.
If I hear one more LIBERAL multi millionaire say “I understand the common man” I am going to puke all over the nearest liberal I encounter.