America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Typical Liberal behavior and Talkinghead points
Published on February 19, 2005 By Moderateman In Politics
Protester Throws Shoe at Perle During Debate
Friday, February 18, 2005

•Dean: N.Y. GOP Chairman Should Resign•Dean Vows to Revamp Party•Stakes High for Dean •Dean Pumped to Take Power at DNC
PORTLAND, Ore. — Howard Dean (search), the newly minted leader of the Democratic Party, and former Pentagon adviser Richard Perle (search) made clear their opposing views on the war in Iraq during a debate marred by a protester who tossed a shoe at Perle.

Perle had just started his comments Thursday when a protester threw a shoe at him before being dragged away, screaming, "Liar! Liar!"

Perle, who was Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld's (search) top policy adviser, was a key architect of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, and Dean is among the war's most prominent opponents.

In his new role as chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Dean has stressed that Democrats are stronger than Republicans on defense.

"Defense is a lot broader than swaggering around saying you're going to kick Saddam's butt," Dean said Thursday, drawing cheers from the crowd in this city that overwhelmingly voted Democratic last November.

Perle said the war in Iraq was justified based on the intelligence available at the time. "Sometimes the things we have to do are objectionable to others," he said.

Dean also said the Bush administration has ignored the mounting threat in Iran and North Korea. "We picked the low hanging fruit in Iraq and did nothing" about the other, more dangerous regimes, he said.\

Ah yes another fair minded liberal throwing shoes before perle could even open his mouth, Is this what the Democrats have for a plan? Big mouths whining and crying, throwing shoes at Republicans. That is the way to keep losing elections, way to go Liberals.

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