inspired by dharma and her kind words
Ok here it is for the entire world to see.
No pity thanks you ahead of time.
I went through a series of peg-interon alpha 1a for 12 months and after I was cleared for better things, 4 months later the hep c resurfaced. Slowly I am losing my energy and strength, the beginning of a long downhill slide.
I cannot take any more treatments that are available today {maybe a new one will come out soon}.
This affects my tolerance and allows my anger to flow freely; THIS is not an excuse for my bad behavior, just some facts to chew on for you.
Death from hep c is certain for me, how long? Who knows?
Death is caused by the slow degeneration of the liver, {cirrhosis} and the dumping of the bodies poisons into the blood stream. Not a pretty way to die.
I am more than a little pissed off, am in full-blown rage about this dilemma, and allowing it to overflow into my writings.
The hardest part of all this is to see my wife’s eyes fill with tears for “no apparent” reason.
It’s easy for me all I have to do is be sick, while she has to see her lover wither away.
Nothing sadder than to see a lion become old and useless, unable to hunt and feed itself.
Please, I have had a good life, full of adventures and fun, sorrow and pain also,
I ask for no pity or quarter, as I give none.
Ok now you know, some will be happy to see this, I don’t care, a few sad maybe, don’t be.
A few will wish me well, a few will want my pain to be protracted and long followed by a horrible death. I wish them all good health, and bliss in their lives.
That’s the story , treat it how you will,
Elie aka MODERATEMAN sometime angryman