America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Had they tried in todays times
Published on February 11, 2005 By Moderateman In History
News flash, today George Washington had to call a halt to the war due to over spending, the dregs a recent political party has refused to allocate more funds.

Nathan Hale ordered gagged after his give me liberty or give me death speech, the news organizations plaster front page with hales obvious cry for help and his blatant death wish.

Minutemen disbanded due to unfair practices of civilized warfare, the British civil no liberties union prosecutes for terror tactics.

Thomas Jefferson sued for not giving up his slaves, woman owned by Jefferson sues for aggravated sexual assault.

Patent office denies Franklin patent.

John Hancock sued for writing name on declaration of Independence to large, And wasting precious parchment.

Aaron burr sued by family of Alexander Hamilton for wrongful death, the family is said to be suing for 100.000 pounds plus damages.

John Adams and Robert Treat, declare there love for each other in Massachusetts petitioning for marriage, Massachusetts British governor signs same sex marriage ruling.

on Feb 11, 2005
Makes you wonder if we would be indpendant if we had to fight for it today!
on Feb 11, 2005
Reply By: Dr. GuyPosted: Friday, February 11, 2005Makes you wonder if we would be indpendant if we had to fight for it today

I am pretty sure we would still be part of the british empire doc, about 95% sure.
on Feb 11, 2005
Powerfully thought-provoking article.

Yep, if any or all of those things had happened, our GREAT country wouldn'ta been so great after all. We would have imploded right then and there.

Now that such things ARE happening now...implosion is only imminent.

Why don't we see it? Because "times have changed"? Because we're more laid-back than we used to be? Are we entitled to be war mongers now? Is the govt entitled to stifle our freedom of speech? Are we really OK with sexual immorality, frivolous lawsuits, and people being in love with people who they can never create children with ? (no slam on infertile folks...just homosexuals)

We're going to fall like Rome did. Here it's just over the horizon...
on Feb 11, 2005
Reply By: AngelaMarie88Posted: Friday, February 11, 2005Powerfully thought-provoking article. Yep, if any or all of those things had happened, our GREAT country wouldn'ta been so great after all. We would have imploded right then and there. Now that such things ARE happening now...implosion is only imminent. Why don't we see it? Because "times have changed"? Because we're more laid-back than we used to be? Are we entitled to be war mongers now? Is the govt entitled to stifle our freedom of speech? Are we really OK with sexual immorality, frivolous lawsuits, and people being in love with people who they can never create children with ? (no slam on infertile folks...just homosexuals)We're going to fall like Rome did. Here it's just over the horizon...

All powerful countries or empire builders have their moment in the sun, then they fall. Sadly america my sweet country is headed the same way.