America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~
Try to live by this, as I try also./

Don't too much time with minor people. If there are people in your
life that continually disappoint you, break promises, stomp on your
dreams, too judgmental, have different values and don't have your back
during difficult times...that is not a friend.

This is someone that you can live without...

Define what you think a friend should be..

To have a friend, be a friend. Sometimes in life as you grow, your
friends will either grow or go. Surround yourself with people who reflect
values, goals interests and lifestyle.

When I think of any of my successes, I am thankful to GOD from whom all
blessings flow, and to my family and friends that enrich my life.

All things change,joy to sorrow. health to illness etc. Wealth is transitory, friends are priceless...

Over the years my phone book has changed because I changed .
At first you think you're going to be alone, but after a while new
people show up in your life that make your life so much better and easier
to endure.

Remember what your elders used to say, "Birds of a feather flock
together. If you're an eagle, don't hang around chickens: Chickens Can't
Fly! If you believe in you all things are possible.

I love the Lord and thank Him for all that he does in my life,
. . He is my source of my and your
existence . He keeps me functioning each and
everyday................ Without Him, I will be nothing.

Without Him, I am nothing but with Him I can do all things.

Be Progressive but do not forget the values of life.- Take the time to make a positive difference in
someone's life.


on Feb 09, 2005
Beautiful piece and absolutely true words on friendship.
on Feb 09, 2005
Reply By: foreverserenityPosted: Wednesday, February 09, 2005Beautiful piece and absolutely true words on friendship.

I thank you and agree also.. smiles for ya.
on Feb 09, 2005
I just want to thank you if I havent yet today for being a positive influence in my life today and always smooch
on Feb 09, 2005
I just want to thank you if I havent yet today for being a positive influence in my life today and always smooch
on Feb 09, 2005
Reply By: GimpyonePosted: Wednesday, February 09, 2005I just want to thank you if I havent yet today for being a positive influence in my life today and always smooch

your most welcome my belle.