Who do YOU think you're kidding?
After reading one particular blog here, I decided people of today for the most part are fooling themselves, or trying too.
To say, write, type that YOU are not capable of killing someone under any circumstances is pure folly.
Man by nature is a predator and a killer.
We kill to eat period.
Be it plants or animals we kill to survive.
To use the ten commandments to “prove” that killing is bad I can agree with, but to use the same commandments to say “I cannot kill is just crap”.
I believe most do not want to kill another human being, but to Proclaim to the world that you are so evolved to be unable to kill, is just plain foolish.
I have found when push comes to shove and survival is at stake, man {woman} will kill no matter how much they think they cannot do it.
To use the 10 commandments to prove war is bad is moronic,,, war is bad this I know without any 10 commandments telling me so.
To take some kind of Moral high ground trying to convince others you cannot kill is without a doubt NOT KNOWING WHO YOU REALLY ARE.
Your proclamations are not fooling me or anyone else; you’re only fooling yourself.