The democrats thinking this must be hell
As President George Bush becomes only the 16th second term President in American history, you can hear a great wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Hanoijohn Kerry standing a mere 30 feet from President Bush being inaugurated looking longingly at what he dreamed might be his.
As this great President takes office for the second time, the opening song was “heal our land” Which I pray happens in this time of trial for America.
Through out the country you can just hear the Democrats crying and bemoaning their fate, wondering why the majority of Americans looks on them with such scorn.
I wish I could honestly say I feel bad for the democrats, but they have made their bed of liberal lunacy, now they can lay in it.
Watching former President Carter with that fake smile plastered on his face was a sorry sight to see.
Possibly at some point in the far far future another Democrat will be allowed to take the highest office in the land, but for the foreseeable future I think not!