America has problems, but America is NOT THE PROBLEM!~

Everyone that flies knows you DO NOT SAY THE WORD BOMB, at the airport, PERIOD! not in any way shape or form, you just do not say it, or Hijack this is written in stone, if someone overhears you say one of these two words you can expect trouble for you and anyone flying with you.

So this Muslim family goes right ahead and say it, all innocent "where is the best place to sit if a BOMB goes off" now this is over heard and reported to the authorities and yes they are in trouble, they are not allowed to fly and the F.B.I. QUESTIONS THEM, well the F.B.I. CLEARS them to travel but does not communicate this to the carrier and the family has to make other arrangements to fly, and here we go, the Muslim family not willing to accept responsibility for their actions is already talking about suing the carrier for, what else? profiling, not that they did anything but broke a cardinal rule, yes mean old Americans are profiling them because they are Muslims. What ever happened to personal responsibility? They had to know you do not ever say bomb in any airport.

This is all due to political correctness no longer are people responsible for their actions, it is because of this or that, due to skin color or religion or both and they are being picked on, not because they broke a law it's because they are Black, or Latino, or Muslim or Jewish and I am so tired of this bull crap I can scream. This country is being ruined by Political correctness in all of it's forms and slowly we are becoming a nation of whiny sheep.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jan 09, 2009

they were just 'talking' about filing suit, they hadn't actually done so

I can see the potential for abuse here. Time will tell what their intentions are. Even if it goes to court and is overturned, IMO it is still an abuse (of the taxpayers money). Just like that idiot judge that is suing for $53 million over a pair of pants. He should be sent to prison for abusing the system.

on Jan 09, 2009

yep Nitro and whip, while no suit has been filed as of yet, I believe CARE will step in and help file a suit.

on Jan 10, 2009

Just like that idiot judge that is suing for $53 million over a pair of pants. He should be sent to prison for abusing the system.I agree.  He did get disbarred, but that's not enough.I don't know how we can prevent abuses like this unless we go to a 'loser pays' system, and that wouldn't be fair to people of average means that have legitimate complaints.As long as juries can be suckered by a sob story and persuaded to grant these huge settlements abuses are going to be part and parcel of our justice system.

yes indeed and as long as we have "ambulance chasing" Lawyers willing to take cases like this suits will continue to clog the court system, Lawyers that encourage people to file suit on bullshit cases just so the lawyers can get publicity should be dealt with by the BAR, somehow.

on Jan 10, 2009

These people were morons, or they did it deliberately. In this day and age I can't imagine anyone not knowing that making such a moronic statement in an airport will lead to trouble. Perhaps a lawsuit was exactly what they were after, perhaps they were just complete idiots. Either way, they don't deserve a damn thing beyind what they already got.

If they do file suit then I'd agree that they're scammers looking for a meal ticket via the court system. If not, well they're just stupid shits.

on Jan 11, 2009

These people were morons, or they did it deliberately. In this day and age I can't imagine anyone not knowing that making such a moronic statement in an airport will lead to trouble. Perhaps a lawsuit was exactly what they were after, perhaps they were just complete idiots. Either way, they don't deserve a damn thing beyind what they already got.If they do file suit then I'd agree that they're scammers looking for a meal ticket via the court system. If not, well they're just stupid shits.

Giggle, tell me what you really think Mason. but this time do not be so damn kind.

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