It's time for someone preferably a Christian to charge a gay with a hate crime in California, them being targeted just because of their sexual preference {heterosexual}. Many gays seem to think that it's ok to assualt heterosexuals just because the gays are protected under the law, well it's time to see if justice swings both ways. {pun intended} The last protest by Christians which consisted of praying for gays and singing was meant by violence by groups of gays, assault is the crime. Even a touch against a person without their consent is considered assualt and the gays went much further than that, throwing hot coffee and other items, trying to take off the garments of some of the Christians while the police did nothing to protect them. well A brave Christian needs to go to the district attorney office with taped evidence of the assualt and demand the gay be arrested for the crime, with the added Hate crime tacked on.
What say you my friends?